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London Bus Routes

Site last updated: 24 March 2025
If this date is much more than a week old you are probably looking at an archived version.
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COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

The TfL network is now operating normally, with the exception of weekend-only night routes, which remain withdrawn until further notice. For historical details please see the Covid-19 page - last updated 26/08/23.

*** The majority of non-TfL routes have now been temporarily removed from the website to avoid confusion. I intend to reinstate them gradually when I have a chance to go through these and check what needs updating. Many of these routes may have seen permanent post-Covid reductions, and it is far from clear whether what is currently running is regarded as 'permanent'. ***

This unofficial website was set up in summer 2000 to provide comprehensive information on bus routes in the greater London area, principally the network operated under contract to London Bus Services Limited (LBSL).

There are five main sections:
Bus routes and operational details
Service changes
Operator and Garage list
including contact information
Photo Gallery

Christmas and New Year travel arrangements 2024-2025 Retained for reference

Timetables: This page is designed to be suitable for viewing on smartphones. The HTML timetables are being revamped, which should fix the smartphone column alignment issue; the majority have now been done, but a few still remain in the old format.

Traditional matrix timetables are available either on this link or via either the routes or operational details pages. Click here for a directory listing of files on the server (in order of date loaded).

On PDF timetables, versions of the file may be identified by revision codes alongside the date. The original will have the date only, but subsequent editions will have appended to this either of the following: (A) for amended (corrected times, missing trips etc.), and (R) for reprint (generally cosmetic changes, or minor errors such as headings or place names). This will be followed by a number for second and subsequent revisions of the same type. T denotes a temporary timetable.
From 16.7.11 onwards, an additional D code is introduced for diversions where there is no change to the timetable other than that some timing points are altered or omitted. Additionally, for diversions and reversions (i.e. at the end of a temporary timetable or diversion) the original schedule date will be included in parenthesis along with an A or R as appropriate if there have been changes since the last published version of that date.

[External site] Timetable Graveyard with most timetables that have been on this site, back to about 2004. Most of these (and current) timetables are also available in Excel format on request – please enquire for further information.

[External site] Working Timetables Schedules obtained under Freedom of Information Act. Official TfL source (current schedules only)

Current stop specific timetables are available via the Timetables link under Advanced Options on the TfL Journey Planner.

See below for General Information and Links.

Disclaimer: Although every effort will be made to keep the information contained in this site correct and up-to-date, no liability will be accepted for any consequences of any errors contained herein. Also, this is not an official site either of "London Transport" (Transport for London) or any of the operators! Most of the information contained herein is available to the general public elsewhere, but has come from a wide variety of sources, and the reason for this site is to get it all into one convenient place.

General Information

This site is maintained by Robert Munster. The pages were originally designed using Microsoft Internet Explorer 2, and hopefully therefore should appear fine in practically any browser, but if you find anything amiss, or if you have any other comments, corrections or suggestions relating to this website*, let me know on robert @ londonbusroutes.net† and I'll see what I can do. I normally reply to or acknowledge anything important‡ – if you don't hear anything within about a week, that probably means your message has got lost somewhere in the post, so you had better re-send it. On the other hand, please note that it may be several days before I read your email, so if you have an urgent enquiry please send it directly to the appropriate people.

* Please note that this is an independent website and is not affiliated with Transport for London or any of the bus operators, and that I do not operate any buses myself. I cannot deal with lost property enquiries or complaints about services – please contact the operator of your route and/or TfL (see the Contacts page). Also, I do not purport to provide a bespoke travel information service – London travel enquiries would be better directed to TfL (see www.tfl.gov.uk or telephone 0343 222 1234 - 24hrs).
ATOC's National Rail Enquiries can be obtained by ringing 08457 484950 or www.nationalrail.co.uk, although I am told that you can actually now obtain more accurate British train information from the German Railways site!

† If you are wondering why I have just formatted this blue and underlined instead of making it a convenient hyperlink, it is to stop click-happy people sending emails off without giving them a think. By all means email me, but, please, only once you have read the above notes – thanks!

‡ Commercial advertising is not considered important in this context.

Use of information: Any appropriate use of information contained on this site is encouraged, provided that it is not altered, or quoted in such a way as to misrepresent the contents. Copying of information and files to other websites is not recommended, as there are regular updates here, so this is likely to result in out-of-date information being posted. File names are generally static, so a direct link to the original source is the best way.

Notice – impersonation: A number of people in the industry have contacted me after being emailed by someone using my name, asking for internal documentation such as bus run out sheets. If you receive such an email it is obviously up to you whether to respond, but please be aware that these emails are not from me. I only use two email addresses, and those who are in regular contact with me know what they are. If in doubt, please check using one of these, or the contact address shown on this page (which is a forwarding address). I would in any case only ever ask for information for publication on this site. I also do not "cold call" anyone, and only ask for information from established contacts.


This site contains descriptions and road by road listings for all routes, but it is often helpful to have a geographical bus map to visualise just where it is that routes run.
Quickmap is ideal for visitors or anyone else travelling around the inner London area. The map is of an innovative design, making it easy to follow where routes go, and also contains useful tourist information. There is a bus only map and a version with railways included, and both are compact for ease of deployment. There are also maps for a few other areas and future developments may see expansion of areas covered.
Mike Harris’s Greater London Bus Map is an excellent companion to this site, and is based on the traditional London Transport design. It is ideal for enthusiasts, covering the whole of London and including school and commercial bus routes, all drawn with unprecedented accuracy. A range of historical maps has also been published, along with a night bus map, and the site also contains the full set of official panel timetables from London Buses, in PDF (though these do not cover most of TfL's own routes!).
You can view some of the maps online, but please buy a hard copy to ensure the authors keep up the good work!

London Local Transport Maps – a project providing detailed local transport maps.
TfL official spider maps (including where to board your bus plans).

Live London bus map – a whole new concept!
Bus times – Similar concept for selected operators outside London - timetables for the UK also available.

These sites also contain route lists, but with different emphases:
London Bus Routes by Ian Armstrong has histories for many London routes.
London’s Busroutes homepage.
London Buses, one bus at a time.
London Bus Times Timetables Routes Designed to make it easier for students to find bus timetables.

For all the latest bus news from London and the immediate area:
The best site for general bus news is hosted by the London Omnibus Traction Society. Members of the society also receive a monthly newsletter (i.e. snail mail) packed with full information on all goings on. The following official TfL pages are also worth checking:
Transport for London: note press centre, Bus Changes / real time travel information, bus service consultation, route performance reports, and tender results.

For tram news and views ...
The unofficial Croydon Tramlink website by the late Stephen Parascandolo remains the premier resource. See also Tramlink Timetable information (part of this site).

A random collection of other vaguely related sites that might be of interest, in no special order:
London's Transport Museum.
London street maps: various sites with different facilities exist: I can recommend Google maps, others are MapQuest or Streetmap. Some also offer aerial photographs.
British Registrations article by me.
London Omnibus Traction Society.
The Omnibus Society.
Ian's Bus Stop – detailed overview of London bus types.
HarlowRide – all about buses in Harlow.
Doe's Directory of Bus Timetables and Enquiry Offices
The Wandle Industrial Museum
Visit By Train – A station-by-station guide to south east England.
Greater London Photos photo site from James Fullick.
London Buses by Adam – another photo site.
Frixo – Road/motorway traffic reporting site.
The Classic London Bus Society – organises trips to places of historical London bus interest.
Bus Lists on the Web – Fleet information
London Local Transport Maps
The Public Transport Experience Light hearted blog making some serious points about using public transport.
Track map of London's railways, including closed lines
London Vehicle Finder Innovative site using TfL's Countdown data feed to track buses.
Bus Routes in London Wiki
Bakerloo Line extension to Lewisham – a critique of TfL's plans (article on this site)
Explore Georeferenced maps - overlay modern with historic maps.
Rail Map Online - Geographical map of all current and former railways in the British Isles
Live London Traffic Cameras - Real-time TfL JamCam Feeds
Doug Rose - Information Designer and Technical Illustrator with much London bus relevance
plumby.io/headway/index.php Useful little site which tracks London Buses as an iBus Controller style display New link
London Transport droid Video of general transport modes in London, Buses, Tube etc New link
City Transport Extensive information about city transports particularly from a technological and environmental point of view New link

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