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Information correct to 25 March 2025
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New contracts will usually, but not always, mean new timetables, and often there will be other changes as well details when known. New buses will now always be low floor and wheelchair accessible.
In line with the routes and details pages, new timetables (where available) are now accessed by clicking on the route number. Some may be PDF files for which Adobe Reader is required.
Where a ? is placed in the Expected Date column, there is now some doubt whether the change will take place at all. All dates and other information on this page are provisional and liable to be amended at short notice. Dates in italics are approximate. Note that night services are considered to be very early journeys on the following day's service, and hence the first few journeys of the revised service may actually operate on the previous evening.
Each time an item is added or amended, the current date will be added at the end of the text, in the format (DDMMYY). This can be used to help locating new information use your browser's search page facility to check each recent date. Changes in the past 7 days are (highlighted on green). Changes in the last update are further (highlighted in red) and marked with a Ά.
All changes with even a vague date, such as vehicle type changes, have been assigned a nominal introduction date, which allows them to appear in a suitable place in the date index, rather than cluttering up the "undated" category. Only the month will be displayed in the list of changes.
Note: All pending changes are provisional and liable to be amended or cancelled without notice. Vehicle type changes are usually not tied to the exact date shown, and indeed are often phased in practice.
Official TfL information is available here: Bus Changes; real time travel information.
Updates within the past 7 days (Ά = last update, on 24/03/25)
Future: 12 68 129 151 169 247 287 321 699 B14Ά R5 R6Ά R7 S1 S4 SL4
Past: 273 677 40 95 105 154 169 247 274 287 344 482 679 C10Ά U5
Diversions: 2 2 4 7Ά 7Ά 8 12 13 14 15 17Ά 22 30Ά 30 46Ά 56 56Ά 63Ά 71 74 75 99 107 110 113 114Ά 125 139 140Ά 175 176 180 183Ά 186Ά 189 192 194 197 197 209Ά 223 224 224Ά 226Ά 228Ά 230Ά 236Ά 237 246 256 258Ά 260Ά 267 273 274 294 295Ά 301 312 313Ά 316Ά 316Ά 318 340Ά 346 356 360 360 371Ά 375 378Ά 381Ά 382 384 384 405 412 440 465 474Ά 491 514 515 624 640Ά 646 651 658 671 B16 C1 C1 C10Ά H14 H28 H91 K1 K3 K4 S3 W5 W8Ά W9Ά N2 N2 N3 N7Ά N7Ά N9 N15 N15 N18Ά N22 N63Ά N65 N74 N109 N113 N136 N140Ά N381Ά N551Ά
Index to forthcoming changes by date
22/03/25-28/03/25: 7 17 46 63 75 114 125 140 183 186 194 224 226 228 258 260 273 316 340 346 360 371 381 640 C10 H28 N7 N18 N63 N140 N381
29/03/25-04/04/25: 68 468 B14 R1 R2 R3 R4 R6 R8 R11 SL6 7 8 12 22 25 40 63 81 99 107 133 145 175 180 188 192 209 313 316 341 375 378 384 651 C1 W8 W9 N1 N3 N7 N8 N15 N22 N25 N63 N89 N109 N136 N171 N242
05/04/25-11/04/25: 129 151* 263 321* 381* 432 SL4 N133* N263 N271 N381* 4 14 21 30 47 54 56 56 71 73 73 75 88 108 108 122 129 136 136 141 178 181 181 185 192 192 199 208 225 230 236 236 242 284 326 335 341 356 380 389 436 465 476 484 491 514 515 671 B16 K1 K3 K4 P4 S3 N8 N25 N65 N73 N73 N199 N242
12/04/25-18/04/25: 297* 427 P12* SL5 SL7 4 15 56 184 242 242 256 294 646 N15 N242 N242
19/04/25-25/04/25: 197 312 318
26/04/25-02/05/25: 31 95 171 N31 152 228 283 P12
03/05/25-09/05/25: 196 241 330 474 485 G1 P5 224
10/05/25-16/05/25: 339 W11
17/05/25-23/05/25: 83 92 182 223 440 483 N83
24/05/25-30/05/25: 25 337 393 B12
31/05/25-06/06/25: 37 44 67 77 87 219 270 491 26 32 83 142 176 183 467 632 653 683 SL10 N5 N26 N32 N68 N83
07/06/25-13/06/25: 106 231 268 304 H2 H3
21/06/25-27/06/25: 30 46 230 274
28/06/25-04/07/25: 105 285 460 499 K1 K3 275 474 675 N551
July 2025: 326 331 425 N5 N20
August 2025: 60 73 139 166 293 390 405 412 434 466 606 H12 R9 N550 N551
September 2025: 165 202 252 256 312 319 365 D6 D8 360
October 2025: 144 324 403 108
November 2025: 12 61 246* 261 318 699 H25 S1 S4 452
December 2025: R5 R7 3 21 43 133 141 360 C10 P4 N3 N21
January 2026 onward: 27 276 393 N27
Undated: 4 22 33 34 39 41 50 83 88 90 95 98 99 131 141 143 169 172 188 194 206 210 214* 218 242 243 245* 247 250 255 257 263* 266 269 277 279 280 287 289 299 314 325 333 341 343 355 360 382 389 390* 399 401 410 B16 C11 D7 E1 E2* E8* S3 SL1 SL3 Silvertown Tunnel Cycle Bus U1 U2 U3 U4 W8 N22 N242 N266 N277 4 4 8 8 11 11 11 11 13 13 24 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 29 29 54 54 56 56 76 76 100 100 103 103 113 113 114 114 133 133 139 139 148 148 170 170 176 176 186 186 189 189 211 211 227 227 242 242 258 258 274 274 352 352 354 354 407 407 412 412 434 434 439 439 606 606 640 640 H9 H9 H10 H10 W8 W8 W9 W9 N3 N3 N5 N5 N8 N8 N11 N11 N11 N11 N20 N20 N25 N25 N26 N26 N29 N29 N41 N41 N44 N44 N113 N113 N136 N136 N242 N242 N279 N279
* Denotes changes where the date is approximate or uncertain.
Denotes the start of a temporary diversion, the end of such a diversion.
Route | Details | Expected date |
4 | New electric double deckers introduced. (270924) | |
12 | Contract retained by London Central with 15 existing hybrid New Bus for London double deckers. (5 years) (190325) | 1 Nov 25 |
22 | New electric double deckers introduced. (181024) | |
25 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 31 existing hybrid double deckers. (5 years) (270924) | 24 May 25 |
30 | Contract retained by Metroline with existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) (161224) | 21 Jun 25 |
31 | Contract (including route N31) awarded to London Transit with 15 new electric double deckers from Westbourne Park garage. (7 years) (020924) | 26 Apr 25 |
33 | New electric single deckers introduced. (081124) | |
34 | New electric double deckers introduced. (081124) | |
37 | Contract retained by London Central with 19 existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) (270924) | 31 May 25 |
39 | New electric single deckers introduced. (171123) | |
41 | New electric double deckers introduced. (290125) | |
44 | Contract retained by London General with 18 existing hybrid double deckers. (5 years) (261124) | 31 May 25 |
46 | Contract retained by Metroline with 17 existing electric single deckers. (7 years) (181124) | 21 Jun 25 |
50 | New electric double deckers introduced. Operation transferred to Thornton Heath garage. (220824) | |
60 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 20 new electric double deckers. (7 years) (121024) | 30 Aug 25 |
61 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 10 new electric double deckers. (7 years) (261124) | 29 Nov 25 |
67 | Contract awarded to Arriva London with 10 existing hybrid New Bus for London double deckers from Stamford Hill garage. (2 years) (060225) | 31 May 25 |
68 | Contract retained by Transport UK with 21 existing hybrid New Bus for London double deckers. (5 years) New timetable. (230325) | 29 Mar 25 |
73 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 24 existing hybrid New Bus for London double deckers. (5 years) (270924) | 30 Aug 25 |
77 | Contract retained by London General with 18 existing hybrid double deckers. (5 years) (261124) | 31 May 25 |
83 | New electric double deckers introduced. PVR changed to 19 [Additional vehicles used for operational purposes to be removed] (050923) | |
87 | Contract retained by London General with 19 existing hybrid double deckers. (4 years) (011124) | 31 May 25 |
88 | New electric double deckers introduced. (061224) | |
90 | New electric double deckers introduced. (300824) | |
95 | Contract retained by Metroline with 15 existing hybrid double deckers. (7 years) (161224) | 26 Apr 25 |
95 | New electric single deckers introduced. (161224) | |
98 | New electric double deckers introduced. (031224) | |
99 | New electric double deckers introduced. (180125) | |
105 | Contract retained by London United with 16 existing hybrid double deckers. (5 years) (120225) | 28 Jun 25 |
106 | Contract retained by London General with 15 new electric double deckers. (7 years) (120225) | 7 Jun 25 |
129 | Contract retained by Blue Triangle (transfer within Go Ahead London) with 22 new electric double deckers from Henley Road garage. (7 years). Extended to Beckton, Great Eastern Quay via Millennium Way, Silvertown Tunnel, North Woolwich Road, Connaught Bridge, Hartmann Road, London City Airport, Hartmann Road, Connaught Bridge, Royal Albert Way, Stansfeld Road, Tollgate Road, Woolwich Manor Way, Beckton Bus Station (towards Lewisham only), Gallions Roundabout and Atlantis Avenue to Magellan Boulevard. Frequency increased to every 8 minutes Monday to Friday daytimes, 10 minutes Saturday daytimes, 12 minutes evenings and Sunday daytimes, 15 minutes Monday to Friday early mornings and 20 minutes weeekend early mornings. Earlier journeys added from Lewisham and earlier journeys in both diretions on Sundays to match Mondays to Saturdays. (230325) | 7 Apr 25 |
131 | New electric double deckers introduced. (121024) | |
139 | Contract retained by Metroline with 18 existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) (020924) | 30 Aug 25 |
141 | New electric double deckers introduced. (100125) | |
143 | New electric single deckers introduced. (120624) | |
144 | Contract awarded to London General with 15 existing electric double deckers from Northumberland Park garage. (7 years) (120225) | 11 Oct 25 |
151 | New Streetdeck Electroliner electric double deckers introduced. (190325) | Apr 2025 |
165 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 13 new electric double deckers. (7 years) (210225) | 27 Sep 25 |
166 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 10 new electric single deckers. (7 years) (191224) | 30 Aug 25 |
169 | New electric double deckers introduced. (190325) | |
171 | Contract retained by London Central with 15 new electric double deckers. (7 years) (270824) | 26 Apr 25 |
172 | New electric double deckers introduced. (140325) | |
188 | New electric double deckers introduced. (081124) | |
194 | New electric double deckers introduced. Allocation transferred to Thornton Heath garage. (220824) | |
196 | Contract awarded to Arriva London with 16 new electric double deckers from Norwood garage. (7 years) (260724) | 3 May 25 |
202 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 16 existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) (191224) | 20 Sep 25 |
206 | New electric buses (mix of single and double deckers) introduced. (120424) | |
210 | New electric double deckers introduced. (060924) | |
214 | Route restored to serve Liverpool Street Station. Normal timetable re-introduced. (110316) | ? |
218 | New electric single deckers introduced. (061224) | |
219 | Contract retained by London General with 12 existing electric single deckers. (7 years) (011124) | 31 May 25 |
230 | Contract retained by London General with 11 new electric double deckers. (7 years) (011124) | 21 Jun 25 |
231 | Contract retained by Metroline with 7 existing double deckers. (3 years) (161224) | 7 Jun 25 |
241 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 13 existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) (161224) | 3 May 25 |
242 | New electric double deckers introduced. (220224) | |
243 | New electric double deckers introduced. (170824) | |
245 | New electric double deckers introduced (ordered for E8 contract). (140225) | ? |
246 | Winter service commences (230225) | 2 Nov 25? |
247 | New electric double deckers introduced. (190325) | |
250 | New electric double deckers introduced. (220824) | |
252 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 13 new electric double deckers. (7 years) (210225) | 27 Sep 25 |
255 | New electric single deckers introduced. (220824) | |
256 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 11 new electric double deckers. (7 years) (210225) | 27 Sep 25 |
257 | New electric double deckers introduced. (071024) | |
261 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 14 new electric double deckers. (7 years) (261124) | 29 Nov 25 |
263 | New electric double deckers introduced (ordered for E2 contract). (140225) | ? |
263 | Contract (including N263) retained by Metroline with 19 new electric double deckers. (7 years) New timetable to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits along the route. (020924) | 5 Apr 25 |
266 | New electric double deckers introduced. (031224) | |
268 | Contract retained by Metroline with 6 new electric single deckers. (7 years) (030724) | 7 Jun 25 |
269 | New electric double deckers introduced. (180125) | |
270 | Contract retained by Transport UK with 15 new electric double deckers. (7 years) (020924) | 31 May 25 |
274 | Contract retained by Metroline with 13 existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) (020924) | 21 Jun 25 |
277 | New electric double deckers introduced. (220224) | |
279 | New electric double deckers introduced. (141023) | |
280 | New electric double deckers introduced. (200724) | |
285 | Contract retained by Transport UK with 16 existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) (050225) | 28 Jun 25 |
287 | New electric single deckers introduced. (190325) | |
289 | New electric double deckers introduced. (280824) | |
293 | Contract retained by London United with 6 existing single deckers. (3 years) (181024) | 30 Aug 25 |
297 | New Streetdeck Electroliner electric double deckers introduced. (120325) | Apr 2025 |
299 | New electric single deckers introduced. (310125) | |
304 | Contract retained by Blue Triangle with 10 existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) (161224) | 7 Jun 25 |
312 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 12 new electric single deckers. (7 years) (121024) | 6 Sep 25 |
314 | New electric single deckers introduced. (300824) | |
318 | Contract awarded to London General with 9 existing single deckers from Northumberland Park garage. (3 years) (120225) | 8 Nov 25 |
319 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 19 existing electric double deckers. (7 years) (191224) | 13 Sep 25 |
321 | New electric double deckers introduced. (220325) | Apr 2025 |
324 | Contract retained by Metroline with 7 existing single deckers. (3 years) (050225) | 25 Oct 25 |
325 | New electric single deckers introduced. (020324) | |
326 | Contract retained by London Sovereign with 15 existing single deckers. (3 years) (050225) | 26 Jul 25 |
330 | Contract awarded to Blue Triangle with 10 existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) (161224) | 3 May 25 |
331 | Contract retained by Metroline with 8 existing single deckers. (3 years) (020924) | 5 Jul 25 |
333 | New electric double deckers introduced. (190124) | |
337 | Contract awarded to Transport UK with 11 new electric double deckers from Battersea garage. (7 years) (290724) | 24 May 25 |
341 | New electric double deckers introduced. (071024) | |
343 | Withdrawn between Tower Hill and Aldgate. PVR changed to 21. (250125) | ? |
355 | New electric single deckers introduced. (051224) | |
360 | New electric single deckers introduced. (051224) | |
365 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 12 new electric double deckers. (7 years) (210225) | 27 Sep 25 |
381 | New electric double deckers introduced. (050325) | Apr 2025 |
382 | New electric single deckers introducd. (120724) | |
389 | New electric single deckers introduced. (310125) | |
390 | Revised at Victoria Bus Station to start and finish in bay B. No change to the timetable. (261223) | ? |
390 | Contract retained by Metroline with 17 existing hybrid New Bus for London double deckers. (5 years) (270924) | 30 Aug 25 |
399 | New electric single deckers introduced. (310125) | |
401 | New electric double deckers introduced. (180125) | |
403 | Contract retained by London General - Metrobus with 8 existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) (261124) | 25 Oct 25 |
405 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 10 new electric double deckers. (7 years) (121024) | 30 Aug 25 |
410 | Operation transferred to Croydon garage. (220824) | |
412 | Contract (including route 685) retained by Arriva London with 8 new electric double deckers. (7 years) (181024) | 30 Aug 25 |
425 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 21 new electric double deckers. (7 years) (270924) | 5 Jul 25 |
427 | Contract retained by Transport UK with 17 existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) (050824) | 12 Apr 25 |
432 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 10 existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) (011124) | 5 Apr 25 |
434 | Contract retained by London General - Metrobus with 4 existing single deckers. (3 years) (181024) | 30 Aug 25 |
460 | Contract retained by Metroline with 10 existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) (020924) | 28 Jun 25 |
466 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 20 new electric double deckers. (7 years) (121024) | 30 Aug 25 |
468 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 24 existing hybrid double deckers. (5 years) (030724) | 29 Mar 25 |
474 | Contract awarded to Blue Triangle with 14 existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) (161224) | 3 May 25 |
485 | Contract awarded to Transport UK with 4 new electric single deckers. (7 years) (121024) | 3 May 25 |
491 | Contract retained by Metroline with 9 new electric single deckers. (7 years) (161224) | 31 May 25 |
499 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 7 existing single deckers and 1 existing double decker. (3 years) (121024) | 28 Jun 25 |
606 | Contract retained by Metroline with 2 existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) (120225) | 30 Aug 25 |
699 | Contract retained by Uno with 4 existing electric double deckers. (7 years) (190325) | 22 Nov 25 |
B14 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 7 new electric single deckers. (7 years) Re-routed between Orpington and St Mary Cray Station via route R6. New timetable incorporating late evening service increased to half hourly, earlier journeys in both directions and a half hourly service introduced on Sunday early mornings and evenings, starting at similar times to Mon-Sat. (240325)Ά | 29 Mar 25 |
B16 | New electric single deckers introduced. (180125) | |
C11 | New electric single deckers introduced. (160724) | |
D6 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 14 existing single deckers. (5 years) (161224) | 13 Sep 25 |
D7 | New electric double deckers introduced. (301123) | |
D8 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 7 new electric double deckers. (7 years) (181124) | 13 Sep 25 |
E1 | Extended from Ealing to Osterley. PVR changed to 11. (240524) | May 2027? |
E2 | Electric double deckers introduced (from route 263)? (151022) | 2025? |
E8 | Electric double deckers introduced (from route 245)? (151022) | 2025? |
G1 | Contract awarded to Transport UK with 11 new electric single deckers. (7 years) (020924) | 3 May 25 |
H2 | Contract retained by Metroline with 3 existing single deckers. (3 years) (260724) | 7 Jun 25 |
H3 | Contract (including route 631) retained by Metroline with 2 existing single deckers. (3 years) (260724) | 7 Jun 25 |
H12 | Contract retained by London Sovereign with 14 existing hybrid double deckers. (5 years) (191224) | 30 Aug 25 |
H25 | Contract retained by Transport UK with 10 existing single deckers. (3 years) (050225) | 15 Nov 25 |
K1 | Contract retained by London United with 14 existing single deckers. (3 years) (191224) | 28 Jun 25 |
K3 | Contract retained by London United with 11 existing single deckers. (3 years) (191224) | 28 Jun 25 |
P5 | Contract retained by Transport UK with 9 electric single deckers (mix of new and existing). (7 years) (190624) | 3 May 25 |
P12 | New D8UR 10.2m/Enviro200 MMCEV electric single deckers introduced. (120325) | Apr 2025 |
R1 | Contract retained by London General - Metrobus with 6 new electric single deckers. (7 years) (120324) | 29 Mar 25 |
R2 | Contract retained by London General - Metrobus with 4 new electric single deckers. (7 years) (120324) | 29 Mar 25 |
R3 | Contract retained by London General - Metrobus with 6 new electric single deckers. (7 years) (120324) | 29 Mar 25 |
R4 | Contract retained by London General - Metrobus with 6 new electric single deckers. (7 years) (120324) | 29 Mar 25 |
R5 | Contract (including R10) retained by London General - Metrobus with 1 existing single decker. (3 years) (190325) | 6 Dec 25 |
R6 | Discontinued (see route B14 for replacement). (240325)Ά | 29 Mar 25 |
R7 | Contract retained by London General - Metrobus with 4 existing single deckers. (3 years) (190325) | 6 Dec 25 |
R8 | Contract retained by London General - Metrobus with 2 new electric single deckers. (7 years) (120324) | 29 Mar 25 |
R9 | Contract retained by London General - Metrobus with 3 existing single deckers. (3 years) (161224) | 16 Aug 25 |
R11 | Contract retained by London General - Metrobus with 10 new electric single deckers. (7 years) (120324) | 29 Mar 25 |
S1 | Contract awarded to Transport UK with 13 new electric single deckers. (7 years) (190325) | 29 Nov 25 |
S3 | New electric single deckers introduced. (050424) | |
S4 | Contract awarded to London General - Metrobus with 7 existing single deckers. (3 years) (190325) | 29 Nov 25 |
SL1 | New electric double deckers introduced. (081124) | |
SL3 | New electric double deckers introduced. (180125) | |
SL4 | New route between Grove Park and Canary Wharf via Silvertown Tunnel. Starts from Baring Road, then via route 202 to Blackheath and Shooters Hill Road, then non-stop via Blackwall Tunnel Southern Approach, Silvertown Tunnel and Lower Lea Crossing to Leamouth, then via route D3 to Westferry Circus (WEst India Avenue). Contract awarded to Blue Triangle with 18 new electric double deckers from Henley Road garage. (7 years) Operates every 8 minutes Monday Friday daytimes, every 15 minutes evenings and Saturday and Sunday daytimes, every 10 minutes Monday to Friday early mornings, 20 minutes Saturday early mornings and 30 minutes Sunday early mornings. (230325) | 7 Apr 25 |
SL5 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 10 new electric double deckers. (7 years) (270924) | 12 Apr 25 |
SL6 | Contract awarded to Arriva London with 10 new electric double deckers from Norwood garage. (7 years) (260724) | 29 Mar 25 |
SL7 | Contract retained by London General - Metrobus with 21 new electric double deckers. (7 years) (270924) | 12 Apr 25 |
Silvertown Tunnel Cycle Bus | Contract awarded to Stagecoach (East London) with 3 existing electric single deckers. (270924) | |
U1 | New electric (?) single deckers introduced. (181024) | |
U2 | New electric (?) single deckers introduced. (181024) | |
U3 | New electric (?) double deckers introduced. (191024) | |
U4 | New electric (?) double deckers introduced. (191024) | |
W8 | Electric double deckers introduced. (170724) | |
N5 | Contract retained by London Sovereign with existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) (181124) | 26 Jul 25 |
N20 | Contract retained by Metroline with existing hybrid New Bus for London double deckers. (3 years) (181124) | 26 Jul 25 |
N22 | New electric double deckers introduced. (181024) | |
N31 | Operation transferred to London Transit at Westbourne Park garage, on route 31 contract. (020924) | 26 Apr 25 |
N133 | New Streetdeck Electroliner electric double deckers introduced. (050325) | Apr 2025 |
N242 | New electric double deckers introduced (220224) | |
N263 | New number for route N271, operated on route 263 contract. (020924) | 5 Apr 25 |
N266 | New electric double deckers introduced. (031224) | |
N271 | Renumbered N263 (see separate entry). (020924) | 5 Apr 25 |
N277 | New electric double deckers introduced (220224) | |
N381 | New electric double deckers introduced. (050325) | Apr 2025 |
N550 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) (181124) | 30 Aug 25 |
N551 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) (181124) | 30 Aug 25 |
Changes to routes or timetables will be listed here for about 3 months after the event, or since the last issue of the Greater London Bus Map, whichever is longer. Late or amended items will be highlighted.
Route | Details | Date |
246 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with day frequency restored to every 30 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 60 Sundays. (020124) | 30 December |
N137 | New Bus for London double deckers introduced. (260424) | 22 Apr 24 |
77 | Temporary timetable introduced during works at Lambeth Bridge, with daytime service reduced to every 11 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 13 minutes Sundays. (300424) | 27 Apr 24 |
88 | Temporary timetable introduced during works at Lambeth Bridge, with daytime service reduced to every 11 minutes Mondays to Saturdays (9-10 MF AM peak), 13 minutes Sundays. (300424) | 27 Apr 24 |
110 | Contract retained by London United with existing single deckers. (6 years) No change to the temporary timetable. (200424) | 27 Apr 24 |
133 | New Streetdeck Electroliner electric double deckers introduced. (290324) | April |
206 | Contract retained by Metroline with 12 existing buses (mix of single and double deckers). (7 years) No change to the timetable. (120424) | 27 Apr 24 |
236 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 14 existing single deckers. (6 years) New timetable to improve punctuality and with Thur/Fri PM peak service restored to every 10 minutes. (260424) | 27 Apr 24 |
276 | New BZL/MCV 10.8m electric single deckers introduced. (240624) | April |
366 | Operation transferred to River Road garage. New timetable to improve punctuality. (240424) | 27 Apr 24 |
376 | Operation transferred to Blue Triangle from Henley Road garage. New D8UR 10.8m/Enviro200MMC EV 2D electric single deckers introduced. No change to the temporary timetable. (240424) | 27 Apr 24 |
394 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 10 existing single deckers. (6 years) No change to the timetable. (201023) | 27 Apr 24 |
482 | Operation transferred to Southall garage. No change to the timetable. (240424) | 27 Apr 24 |
D3 | New timetable to improve reliability. (240424) | 27 Apr 24 |
P4 | Contract awarded to London Central with 13 existing single deckers from New Cross garage. (6 years) Revised temporary timetable to improve punctuality. (240424) | 27 Apr 24 |
44 | Temporary timetable introduced during Chelsea Flower Show with service reduced to every 11 minutes Monday to Friday afternoons and Saturday shopping hours, and every 16 minutes Sunday shopping hours. (250424) | 29 Apr 24 |
170 | Temporary timetable introduced during Chelsea Flower Show with service reduced to every 11 minutes Monday to Friday afternoons and Saturday shopping hours, and every 13 minutes Sunday shopping hours. (300424) | 29 Apr 24 |
14 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with service restored to every 10 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 12 minutes evenings and Sundays. (270424) | 4 May 24 |
22 | Temporary timetable for Hyde Park Corner works withdrawn and previous temporary timetable reintroduced with daytime service restored to every 11 minutes Monday to Saturday shopping hours, 11-12 minutes Mon-Fri PM peak, and every 13 minutes Sundays. (270424) | 4 May 24 |
23 | Temporary timetable for Winter Wonderland withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with afternoon and early evening service restored to every 12 minutes. (270424) | 4 May 24 |
28 | Contract awarded to Metroline with 19 existing B9TL 10.4m/Gemini 2 2D double deckers from Willesden Junction garage. (3 years) New timetable to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits along the route. (210724) | 4 May 24 |
31 | Allocation transferred to Holloway garage. No change to the timetable. (200424) | 4 May 24 |
74 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with service restored to every 10 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 12 minutes evenings and Sundays. (270424) | 4 May 24 |
135 | New timetable to improve reliability. (060524) | 4 May 24 |
148 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and new timetable introduced to improve punctuality, with frequency restored to every 10 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 12 minutes evenings and Sundays. (060524) | 4 May 24 |
152 | New D8UR 10.2m/Enviro200 MMCEV electric single deckers introduced. (190424) | May |
226 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with daytime service restored to every 12 minutes Mondays to Saturdays (with additional peak trips), 20 minutes Sundays. (260424) | 4 May 24 |
452 | Temporary timetable for Winter Wonderland withdrawn and previous temporary timetable reintroduced with afternoon and early evening service restored to every 12 minutes. (270424) | 4 May 24 |
483 | Temporary timetable introduced during works on Uxbridge Road, with daytime service reduced to every 11 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 13 minutes Sundays. (270424) | 4 May 24 |
N28 | Operation transferred to Metroline at Willesden Junction garage. New timetable to improve punctuality and improve coordination with route N31. (270424) | 4 May 24 |
16 | Temporary timetable introduced during railway works in Kilburn, with frequency reduced to every 11 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 13 minutes evenings and Sundays, 16 minutes early mornings. (270424) | 11 May 24 |
98 | Temporary timetable introduced during railway works in Kilburn, with daytime service reduced to every 8-9 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 11 minutes Sundays. (270424) | 11 May 24 |
110 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and new timetable introduced to improve punctuality and with frequency restored to every 15 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 20 minutes evenings and Sundays. (270424) | 11 May 24 |
120 | Temporary timetable introduced during road works in Southall, with frequency reduced to every 9-10 minutes MF AM peak, 10 MF PM peak, 11 minutes Mon-Sat shopping hours, 13 minutes Sun shopping hours and every 16 minutes evenings. (060524) | 11 May 24 |
184 | Temporary timetable introduced during works in Wood Green, with service reduced to every 11 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 13 minutes early evenings and Sunday daytimes. School journeys between Barnet and Alexandra Park School continue, however the afternoon journey from Alexandra Park School to Turnpike Lane Staion is withdrawn. (130524) | 11 May 24 |
206 | Temporary timetable introduced during railway works in Kilburn, with frequency reduced to every 13 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes (14-15 M-F PM peak), 21 minutes early mornings (31 Sundays), evenings and Sundays. (010524) | 11 May 24 |
316 | Temporary timetable introduced during railway works in Kilburn, with frequency reduced to every 9 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 13 minutes evenings and Sundays, 16 minutes Mon-Sat early mornings, 21 minutes Sunday early mornings. Last bus from White City on Sundays will be 10 minutes earlier than normal. (060524) | 11 May 24 |
328 | Temporary timetable introduced during railway works in Kilburn, with frequency reduced to every 11 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 13 minutes evenings and Sundays. (070524) | 11 May 24 |
419 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with Monday to Saturday daytime service restored to every 12 minutes. (020524) | 11 May 24 |
427 | Temporary timetable introduced during works in Southall, with daytime service reduced to every 9 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 11 minutes Sundays. (070524) | 11 May 24 |
481 | Contract awarded to Metroline with 6 existing hybrid double deckers from Brentford garage. (3 years) Revised temporary timetable to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits along the route, with Monday to Friday peak hour frequency increased to every 30 minutes (plus PM school day trip), Monday to Saturday shopping hours restored to every 30 minutes and Sunday shopping hours restored to every 60 minutes. [Note: the school trips operated by Transport UK on the 111 contract are unaffected.] (270424) | 11 May 24 |
485 | Summer timetable commences. (010524) | 11 May 24 |
632 | Temporary timetable introduced during railway works in Kilburn, with morning journey revised to start 5 minutes earlier. (270424) | 13 May 24 |
E9 | Temporary Monday to Friday timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with daytime service restored to every 12 minutes and evenings to every 20 minutes. (100524) | 13 May 24 |
30 | Minor timetable alterations on Sundays towards Hackney Wick. (150524) | 19 May 24 |
118 | Temporary timetable introduced during gas works in Mitcham, with frequency reduced to every 13 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 21 minutes evenings and Sundays. (150524) | 18 May 24 |
127 | Temporary timetable introduced during gas works in Mitcham, with frequency reduced to every 11 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 16 minutes evenings and Sundays. (150524) | 18 May 24 |
152 | Temporary timetable introduced during gas works in Mitcham, with frequency reduced to every 13-14 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 21-22 minutes evenings and Sundays. (150524) | 18 May 24 |
200 | Temporary timetable introduced during gas works in Mitcham, with frequency reduced to every 10 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes (without the additional peak trips), 13 minutes evenings and Sundays. (150524) | 18 May 24 |
264 | Temporary timetable introduced during gas works in Mitcham, with frequency reduced to every 14 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 17 minutes evenings and Sundays and 32 minutes at night. (150524) | 18 May 24 |
280 | Temporary timetable introduced during gas works in Mitcham, with frequency reduced to every 11-12 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 13-14 minutes Sunday daytimes and 16 minutes evenings. (150524) | 18 May 24 |
355 | Temporary timetable introduced during gas works in Mitcham, with frequency reduced to every 13-14 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 16-17 minutes evenings and Sunday. (170524) | 18 May 24 |
439 | New D8UR 9.7m/Enviro200 MMC EV 2D electric single deckers introduced. (301124) | May |
464 | Contract retained by Transport UK with 3 existing single deckers. (6 years) No change to the timetable. (150524) | 18 May 24 |
S1 | Temporary timetable introduced during gas works in Mitcham, with frequency reduced to every 17 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 22 minutes evenings and Sundays. (150524) | 18 May 24 |
6 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with daytime service restored to every 7-8 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 10 minutes Sundays. (020524) | 25 May 24 |
13 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous (?) timetable reintroduced with service restored to every 8-9 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 10 minutes evenings and Sundays. (230524) | 25 May 24 |
40 | Temporary timetable introduced during works in Farringdon, with service reduced to every 9-10 minutes Monday to Friday peak hours, every 11 minutes Monday to Saturday shopping hours and every 16 minutes Sunday shopping hours. (230524) | 25 May 24 |
44 | Temporary timetable for Chelsea Flower Show withdrawn and normal timetable reintroduced. (180524) | 25 May 24 |
52 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with daytime service restored to every 10 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 12 minutes Sundays. (020524) | 25 May 24 |
57 | Temporary timetable introduced during gas works in Norbiton, with daytime service reduced to every 13 minutes (daily). (230524) | 25 May 24 |
170 | Temporary timetable for Chelsea Flower Show withdrawn and normal timetable reintroduced. (180524) | 25 May 24 |
195 | Revised temporary timetable introduced during works in Southall, with daytime service further reduced to every 13 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 17 minutes Sundays. (220524) | 25 May 24 |
201 | Temporary timetable introduced during gas works in Mitcham, with frequency reduced to every 17 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 22 minutes Sunday daytimes and 32 minutes evenings. (180524) | 25 May 24 |
213 | Temporary timetable introduced during gas works in Norbiton, with daytime service reduced to every 13-14 minutes (daily). (220524) | 25 May 24 |
226 | Temporary timetable (re-?)introduced during railway works in Park Royal, with daytime service reduced to every 13 minutes Mondays to Saturdays (with additional Mon-Fri peak trips TBC), 21 minutes Sundays. (220524) | 25 May 24? |
270 | Temporary timetable introduced during gas works in Mitcham, with frequency reduced to every 12 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 14 minutes evenings and Sundays. (210524) | 25 May 24 |
272 | Contract retained by London United with 9 existing single deckers. (6 years) Temporary timetable withdrawn and new timetable introduced to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits and changes to road layouts along the route. (180524) | 25 May 24 |
350 | New timetable with last buses in both directions revised to run 5 minutes later throughout, to improve train connections. No other change to the timetable. (210524) | 25 May 24 |
390 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with daytime service restored to every 8-9 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 10 minutes Sundays. (020524) | 25 May 24 |
440 | Contract retained by London United with 12 existing single deckers. (6 years) New timetable to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits and changes to road layouts along the route. (180524) | 25 May 24 |
482 | Temporary timetable introduced during works in Southall, with Monday to Saturday daytime service reduced to every 22 minutes and Sunday daytime service to every 34 minutes. (210524) | 25 May 24 |
E1 | Contract awarded to Metroline with 7 existing double deckers from Greenford garage. (3 years) New timetable to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits along the route, with Monday to Friday peak hour service reduced to every 10 minutes, and with early morning and evening service increased to every 12 minutes and later journeys in both directions on all days and earlier journeys on Sundays. (150524) | 25 May 24 |
E5 | Temporary timetable introduced during works in Southall, with Monday to Saturday daytime service reduced to every 13 minutes and Sunday daytime service to every 21 minutes. (210524) | 25 May 24 |
E6 | Contract awarded to Transport UK with 11 new 10.9m Kite Electroliner electric single deckers from Dawley Road garage. (7 years) Revised temporary timetable introduced. (240724) | 25 May 24 |
E11 | Contract retained by Transport UK with 5 existing single deckers. (6 years) New timetable with revised departure times. (270524) | 25 May 24 |
H32 | Revised temporary timetable introduced during works in Southall, with Monday to Saturday morning service reduced to every 13 minutes (already 13 afternoons) and Sunday afternoon service to every 16 minutes. (210524) | 25 May 24 |
26 | Temporary timetable introduced during gas works in Farringdon, with frequency reduced to every 11 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 13 minutes evenings and Sundays. (030624) | 2 Jun 24 |
32 | Temporary timetable introduced during railway works in Kilburn, with frequency reduced to every 9 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 13 minutes evenings and Sundays. (270524) | 1 Jun 24 |
110 | New timetable with Monday to Saturday daytime service reduced to every 20 minutes. PVR changed to 11. (270524) | 1 Jun 24 |
253 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 19 existing New Bus for London hybrid double deckers. (5 years) New timetable to improve punctuality and with Sunday daytime service increased to every 8 minutes. Last buses will be slightly earlier. (310524) | 1 Jun 24 |
254 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 23 existing New Bus for London hybrid double deckers. (5 years) New timetable to improve punctuality and with Sunday daytime service increased to every 8 minutes. First buses will be later in both directions. (310524) | 1 Jun 24 |
363 | 6 new Streetdeck Electroliner 10.5m electric double deckers introduced. (301124) | June |
650 | Afternoon journeys revised to operate 15 minutes earlier (110624) | 3 Jun 24 |
E3 | Contract retained by London United with 20 existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) No change to the timetable. (270524) | 1 Jun 24 |
N253 | New timetable to improve punctuality and with revisions to first and last bus times. (270524) | 1 Jun 24 |
N26 | Temporary timetable introduced during gas works in Farringdon. (030624) | 2 Jun 24 |
N32 | Temporary timetable introduced during railway works in Kilburn, with minor changes to times. (270524) | 2 Jun 24 |
24 | Minor timetable alterations on Mondays to Thursdays. (110624) | 10 Jun 24 |
63 | Temporary timetable introduced during gas works in Farringdon. PVR changed to 27. (110624) | 8 Jun 24 |
86 | New Streetdeck Electroliner electric double deckers introduced. (100524) | June |
278 | New timetable with revised timings on the first two journeys in each direction. (110624) | 8 Jun 24 |
309 | E20D 9.8m/Enviro200 MMC 2D single deckers introduced (from route W11). (210724) | 8 Jun 24 |
639 | Contract (including route 670) awarded to Transport UK with 2 existing E40H 10.2m/Enviro400H 2D hybrid double deckers from route 381, from Battersea garage. (3 years) No change to the timetable. (070624) | 8 Jun 24 |
670 | Operation transferred to Transport UK from | 10 Jun 24 |
677 | New timetable | 10 Jun 24 |
W11 | MetroCity EV 9.5m electric single deckers introduced. (210724) | 8 Jun 24 |
N86 | New Streetdeck Electroliner electric double deckers introduced. (100524) | June |
393 | New timetable introduced to improve punctuality, and incorporating the temporary termini at both ends. (140624) | 15 Jun 24 |
57 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable re-introduced with daytime service restored to every 12 minutes. Partial allocation of DD 10.9m/Enviro400EV City 2D electric double deckers introduced. (210724) | 22 Jun 24 |
120 | Contract retained by Metroline with 17 existing hybrid double deckers. (6 years) Temporary timetable withdrawn and new timetable introduced to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits along the route, with Monday to Friday AM peak frequency revised to every 9 minutes, PM peak restored to every 9 minutes, Monday to Saturday shopping hours service restored to every 10 minutes, Sunday shopping hours restored to every 12 minutes, evenings increased to every 12 minutes and early morings increased to every 20 minutes. (120624) | 22 Jun 24 |
143 | Contract retained by Metroline with 14 single deckers. (7 years) New timetable to improve punctuality. (120624) | 22 Jun 24 |
201 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable re-introduced with service restored to every 15 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 20 minutes Sunday daytimes and 30 minutes evenings.. (190624) | 22 Jun 24 |
213 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable re-introduced with daytime service restored to every 12 minutes. (190624) | 22 Jun 24 |
260 | Contract retained by Metroline with 17 existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) No change to the temporary timetable. (120624) | 22 Jun 24 |
270 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable re-introduced with service restored to every 10 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes (with extra AM peak trip), 12 minutes evenings and Sunday daytimes. (190624) | 22 Jun 24 |
302 | Contract retained by Metroline with 16 existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) New timetable to improve punctuality and with early morning serivce increased to every 12 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 13 minutes Sundays. Earlier journeys introduced - first buses from Mill Hill 0505 and Kensal Rise 0500 on all days. (120624) | 22 Jun 24 |
R68 | Contract retained by Transport UK with 10 existing single deckers. (3 years) No change to the temporary timetable. (190624) | 22 Jun 24 |
R70 | Contract retained by Transport UK with 11 | 22 Jun 24 |
31 | Temporary timetable introduced during railway works in Kilburn, with service reduced to every 12 minutes at all times (except first few journeys every 17 minutes). (150624) | 29 Jun 24 |
77 | Revised at Waterloo to start and finish journeys in Cab Road, arriving from County Hall roundabout via Cab Road and departing via Cab Road to York Road. Temporary timetable withdrawn and new timetable introduced with daytime service restored to every 10 minutes Mondays to Saturdays (with an additional Mon-Fri AM peak journey to Waterloo), 12 minutes Sundays. (250624) | 29 Jun 24 |
85 | New timetable with Monday to Saturday daytime frequency reduced to every 10 minutes. PVR changed to 12. (120624) | 29 Jun 24 |
88 | 29 Jun 24 | |
211 | Contract awarded to Transport UK with 14 existing hybrid New Bus for London double deckers from Battersea garage. (5 years) Withdrawn between Sloane Square and Waterloo (see route 11 for alternative service) and re-routed to Battersea Power Station Station via Chelsea Bridge Road, Chelsea Bridge, Queenstown Road, Prince of Wales Drive and Battersea Park Road. (260624) | 29 Jun 24 |
262 | New DD/Enviro400 City electric double deckers introduced (200724) | 29 Jun 24 |
328 | Contract retained by Metroline with 19 existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) No change to the temporary timetable. (120624) | 29 Jun 24 |
396 | New D8UR/Enviro200MMC 10.8m electric single deckers introduced (200724) | 29 Jun 24 |
406 | Contract (including 418) retained by London United with 14 existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) No change to the temporary timteable. (120624) | 29 Jun 24 |
440 | Operation transferred to Stamford Brook garage. New timetable with Sunday daytime service increased to every 15 minutes, daily early morning and evening service increased to every 20 minutes, and earlier journeys daily with first buses leaving at 0500 from both ends. (150624) | 29 Jun 24 |
465 | Contract awarded to Transport UK with 7 existing E20D 10.9m/Enviro200 MMC 2D single deckers from route E7 from Twickenham garage. (6 years) Revised temporary timetable to improve punctuality and with Sunday service restored to hourly. [Data suggests southbound buses re-routed away from Station Approach in Dorking - TBC] (280624) | 29 Jun 24 |
C1 | Contract retained by London United with 13 existing electric single deckers. (7 years) Temporary timetable withdrawn and new timetable introduced with service restored to every 12 minutes (20 early mornings). (120624) | 29 Jun 24 |
E8 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and new timetable introduced to improve reliability, with service restored to every 8 minutes Mondays to Saturdays dayimes, 10 minutes evenings and Sundays. (280624) | 29 Jun 24 |
H91 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with daytime service restored to every 10 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 15 minutes Sundays. (120624) | 29 Jun 24 |
39 | Temporary timetable introduced during Wimbledon Tennis, with service reduced Monday to Friday PM peak to every 9 minutes, Monday to Saturday shopping hours to every 9-10 minutes and Sunday shopping hours to every 13-14 minutes. (280624) | 1 Jul 24 |
1 | Revised temporary timetable to improve punctuality. (050724) | 6 Jul 24 |
65 | Contract retained by London United with 27 existing electric double deckers. New timetable with daytime frequency reduced to every 7 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 11-12 minutes Sundays. (3 years) (030724) | 6 Jul 24 |
71 | Contract retained by London United with 13 existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) Revised temporary timetable with Monday to Saturday daytime service increased to every 8-9 minutes and evenings and Sundays to every 12-13 minutes. (030724) | 6 Jul 24 |
113 | New electric double deckers introduced (310524) | July |
122 | New timetable to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits along the route. PVR changed to 18. (090724) | 6 Jul 24 |
157 | New DD 10.9m/E400MMC EV electric double deckers introduced. (210624) | July |
166 | Commencement of the summer extras on Saturdays and Sundays. (120724) | 6 Jul 24 |
195 | Revised temporary timetable introduced with daytime service increased to every 13 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 16 minutes Sundays. (090724) | 6 Jul 24 |
201 | New temporary timetable introduced during gas works in Mitcham, with daytime service reduced to every 16 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 21 minutes Sundays, and evening service reduced to every 31 minutes. (090724) | 6 Jul 24 |
207 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and new timetable introduced to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits along the route and reduction in parallel bus services, with PVR changed to 30. Frequency restored to every 6 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes (5 towards White City MF AM peak), 8 minutes evenings and Sundays. (030724) | 6 Jul 24 |
281 | Contract retained by London United with 21 existing electric double deckers. (3 years) Revised in Tolworth to terminate at Tolworth Station (Lansdowne Close), not serving Ewell Road. Towards Tolworth via Hook Rise South and Toby Way, returning via Kingston Road and Tolworth Broadway to pick up the existing route. New timetable to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits and changes to road layouts along the route. (010724) | 6 Jul 24 |
371 | Contract retained by London United with 14 existing electric single and double deckers. (3 years) New timetable to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits and changes to road layouts along the route. (010724) | 6 Jul 24 |
379 | New Monday to Friday timetable to improve reliability, with peak hour service reduced to every 20 minutes. Also, PVR changed to 3 in connection with introduction of electric buses. MetroCity EV 8.7m electric single deckers introduced. (210724) | 8 Jul 24 |
677 | The timing changes on Mondays introduced on 10 June are reversed. (150724) | 8 Jul 24 |
681 | Contract retained by London United with 3 existing hybrid double deckers. New timetable with an additional PM journey 5 minutes after the current last, and morning journeys retimed approximately 15 minutes later. (3 years) (010724) | 6 Jul 24 |
H14 | Temporary timetable introduced during diversion away from Harrow View, with Monday to Saturday daytime service reduced to every 11 minutes and Sunday service (except early morning and late evening) reduced to every 16 minutes. (040724) | 6 Jul 24 |
K5 | Contract retained by London United with 6 existing single deckers. (3 years) New timetable to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits along the route, with frequency reduced to every 35 minutes (remains 60 towards Ham in the Mon-Fri AM peak). Note that the first buses on Mon-Fri will run up to 20 minutes later. (010724) | 6 Jul 24 |
S4 | Revised at Waddon Marsh to start and finish at Sainsbury's in Drury Way rather than the tram stop. Tram stop still served on arrival. No change to the timetable other than Waddon Marsh timing point. (040724) | 6 Jul 24 |
W5 | Operation transferred to Walthamstow Avenue garage. No change to the timetable. MetroCity EV 8.7m electric single deckers introduced. (120724) | 6 Jul 24 |
N65 | New timetable to reduce punctuality. (090724) | 6 Jul 24 |
N207 | New timetable to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits along the route. PVR changed to 18? First and buses from Holborn through to Uxbridge will operate earlier. (040724) | 7 Jul 24 |
6 | Temporary timetable reintroduced during road works in Kensal Rise, with daytime service reduced to every 8-9 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 11 minutes Sundays. (010724) | 13 Jul 24 |
39 | Normal timetable re-introduced following end of Wimbledon Tennis. (220724) | 13 Jul 24 |
44 | Temporary timetable introduced during water works in Tooting with service reduced to every 11 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 16 minutes early evenings and Sunday daytimes. (120724) | 13 Jul 24 |
52 | Temporary timetable reintroduced during road works in Kensal Rise, with daytime service reduced to every 11 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 13 minutes Sundays. (010724) | 13 Jul 24 |
57 | Temporary timetable introduced during water works in Tooting with service reduced to every 13 minutes daily daytimes and early evenings. (120724) | 13 Jul 24 |
77 | Temporary timetable introduced during water works in Tooting with service reduced to every 11 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes (except MF AM peak), 13 minutes Sunday daytimes. (120724) | 13 Jul 24 |
131 | Temporary timetable introduced during water works in Tooting with service reduced to every 9 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 13 minutes early evenings and Sunday daytimes. (120724) | 13 Jul 24 |
152 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with Monday to Saturday daytime service restored to every 12 minutes, evenings and Sundays to every 20 minutes. (120724) | 13 Jul 24 |
155 | Temporary timetable introduced during water works in Tooting with service reduced to every 9-10 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 13 minutes early evenings and Sunday daytimes. (120724) | 13 Jul 24 |
219 | Temporary timetable introduced during water works in Tooting with service reduced to every 13 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 16 minutes Sunday daytimes and 21 minutes early evenings. (120724) | 13 Jul 24 |
238 | New Sunday timetable with minor timing changes in the morning. (150724) | 14 Jul 24 |
264 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with Monday to Saturday daytime service restored to every 12 minutes, evenings and Sundays to every 15 minutes and nights to every 30 minutes. (150724) | 13 Jul 24 |
337 | Revised temporary timetable to improve punctuality. (120724) | 13 Jul 24 |
355 | Revised temporary timetable during water works in Tooting, with early morning and late evening service restored to every 15 minutes. (120724) | 13 Jul 24 |
382 | Contract retained by Metroline with 9 | 13 Jul 24 |
G1 | Temporary timetable introduced during water works in Tooting with service reduced to every 17 minutes Monday to Friday peak hours, every 16 minutes Monday to Saturday shopping hours, and 21 minutes Sunday daytimes. (120724) | 13 Jul 24 |
SL8 | New timetable to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits along the route and reductions in parallel bus services. PVR changed to 21. (020724) | 13 Jul 24 |
17 | Contract retained by Metroline with 15 existing hybrid New Bus for London double deckers. (5 years) New timetable to reduce reliability and incorporating earlier journeys on Sundays matching Mon-Sat first bus times and Sunday daytime service increased to every 12 minutes. (160724) | 20 Jul 24 |
201 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with service restored to every 15 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 20 Sunday daytimes and 30 minutes evenings. (180724) | 20 Jul 24 |
280 | Contract retained by London General with 14 | 20 Jul 24 |
463 | School holiday timetable introduced. (290724) | 22 Jul 24 |
C11 | Contract retained by Metroline with 16 existing single deckers. (7 years) New timetable to improve punctuality. (160724) | 20 Jul 24 |
E7 | New 10.9m Kite Electroliner electric single deckers introduced. (240724) | July |
W8 | Contract retained by Metroline with 16 existing double deckers. (7 years) (170724) | 20 Jul 24 |
117 | Revised at West Middlesex Hospital to start and finish journeys at the Main Entrance. (250724) | 27 Jul 24 |
266 | Temporary timetable introduced during railway works in North Acton, with Monday to Friday AM peak frequency reduced to every 9 minutes (with an additional journey towards Brent Cross), Saturday shopping hours reduced to every 9-10 minutes and Sunday shopping hours reduced to every 11-12 minutes. (230724) | 27 Jul 24 |
368 | Temporary Monday to Saturday timetables withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with daytime service restored to every 12 minutes (230724) | 27 Jul 24 |
388 | New timetable incorporating two later journeys from Stratford City daily - last journey now departs at 0015. (230724) | 27 Jul 24 |
394 | New timetable to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits along the route. Monday to Saturday daytime service reduced to every 15 minutes and early mornings daily and Sunday daytimes increased to every 15 minutes. Earlier journeys added on Sundays, to match Mondays to Saturdays. (230724) | 27 Jul 24 |
EL1 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous (?) timetable re-introduced with daytime service restored to every 5-6 minutes Mondays to Fridays, 6 minutes Saturdays, 10 minutes Sundays. (250724) | 27 Jul 24 |
EL2 | Temporary Monday to Friday timetable withdrawn and previous (?) timetable re-introduced with daytime service restored to every 8 minutes. (250724) | 29 Jul 24 |
EL3 | Temporary Monday to Friday and Saturday timetables withdrawn and previous (?) timetable re-introduced with daytime service restored to every 10 minutes Mondays to Fridays, 12 minutes Saturdays. (250724) | 27 Jul 24 |
H98 | New Bus for London hybrid double deckers introduced. (240724) | 27 Jul 24 |
19 | Operation transferred to Stamford Hill garage. New timetable to improve punctuality. (010824) | 3 Aug 24 |
21 | Temporary timetable introduced during cosmetic works in Lewisham, with shopping hours service reduced to every 9-10 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 13 minutes Sundays. (030824) | 3 Aug 24 |
49 | New timetable to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits along the route, with Monday to Friday PM peak and Saturday shopping hours service reduced to every 10-11 minutes. (010824) | 3 Aug 24 |
54 | Temporary timetable introduced during cosmetic works in Lewisham, with shopping hours service reduced to every 11 minutes Mondays to Fridays, 13 minutes Saturdays, 17 minutes Sundays. (050824) | 3 Aug 24 |
75 | Revised temporary timetable introduced during cosmetic works in Lewisham, with daytime service further reduced to every 14-15 minutes Mondays to Fridays, 14 minutes Saturdays, 16 minutes Sundays. Also, the PM school trip from Mayow Road revised to depart at 1500 on Tuesdays to Thursdays. (050824) | 3 Aug 24 |
89 | Temporary timetable introduced during cosmetic works in Lewisham, with daytime service reduced to every 13 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 21 minutes Sundays. (050824) | 3 Aug 24 |
108 | Temporary timetable introduced during cosmetic works in Lewisham (details TBC) (010824) | 3 Aug 24 |
118 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with Monday to Saturday daytime service restored to every 12 minutes and evenings and Sundays to every 20 minutes. (010824) | 3 Aug 24 |
129 | Temporary Saturday and Sunday timetables introduced during cosmetic works in Lewisham with daytime service reduced to every 14 minutes Saturdays, 21 minutes Sundays. (030824) | 3 Aug 24 |
178 | Temporary Monday to Friday timetable introduced during cosmetic works in Lewisham with daytime service reduced to every 16 minutes. (030824) | 5 Aug 24 |
181 | Temporary timetable introduced during cosmetic works in Lewisham, with daytime service reduced to every 13 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 16 minutes Sundays. (030824) | 3 Aug 24 |
185 | Temporary timetable introduced during cosmetic works in Lewisham, with daytime service reduced to every 9-10 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 13 minutes Sundays. (050824) | 3 Aug 24 |
199 | Temporary timetable introduced during cosmetic works in Lewisham, with daytime service reduced to every 13 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 16 minutes Sundays. (010824) | 3 Aug 24 |
200 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with Monday to Saturday daytime service restored to every 9 minutes and evenings and Sundays to every 12 minutes. (030824) | 3 Aug 24 |
217 | Operation transferred to Arriva London at Tottenham garage with Trident/Enviro400 double deckers. New timetable to improve reliability, with daytime service reduced to every 18 minutes Mondays to Fridays, 17 minutes Saturday. PVR changed to 8. [It is not certain if this timetable operated from the outset] (180824) | 3 Aug 24 |
225 | Temporary Saturday and Sunday timetables introduced during cosmetic works in Lewisham with daytime service reduced to every 21-22 minutes. (030824) | 3 Aug 24 |
284 | Temporary timetable introduced during cosmetic works in Lewisham, with daytime service reduced to every 11 minutes Monday to Friday peak hours, increased to every 11 minutes Monday to Saturday shopping hours, and reduced to every 21 minutes Sundays. PVR changed to 13<./font> (030824) | 3 Aug 24 |
297 | Temporary timetable reintroduced during railway works in Perivale, with frequency reduced to every 12 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 14 minutes evenings and Sunday daytimes, 17 minutes Mon-Fri early monings, 21 minutes Saturday early mornings and 22-31 minutes Sunday early mornings. (290724) | 3 Aug 24 |
298 | Operation transferred to Uno at Hatfield garage with E40D 10.2m/Enviro400 2D double deckers. New timetable with in irregular service on all days. PVR changed to 4? [It is believed only a very limited service operated on 3 August. The timetable shown here is that provided by TfL and differs slightly from that published on the Uno website, but appears more realistic. Departure times match on both versions.] (301124) | 3 Aug 24 |
299 | Operation transferred to London General at Northumberland Park garage with E20D 10.5m/Enviro200 2D single deckers. New timetable to improve reliability, with Monday to Saturday daytime service reduced to every 20 minutes. PVR changed to 6. (180824) | 3 Aug 24 |
321 | Temporary timetable introduced during cosmetic works in Lewisham, with daytime service reduced to every 12 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 14 minutes Sundays. (050824) | 3 Aug 24 |
327 | Operation transferred to Metroline at Potters Bar garage with E20D 9.8m/Enviro200 2D single deckers. New timetable to reduce punctuality. [No service was provided until the afternoon on 3 August] (180824) | 3 Aug 24 |
380 | 3 Aug 24 | |
389 | Operation transferred to London General at Northumberland Park garage with E20D 10.5m/Enviro200 2D single deckers. New timetable to improve punctuality. [No service was provided on 3 August and Metroline operated the service on 5 August] (180824) | 3 Aug 24 |
399 | Operation transferred to London General at Northumberland Park garage with E20D 10.5m/Enviro200 2D single deckers. New timetable to improve punctuality. [No service was provided on 3 August and Metroline operated the service on 5 August] (180824) | 3 Aug 24 |
549 | Operation transferred to Stagecoach London at West Ham garage with E200Dart 10.2m/Enviro200 2D single deckers. New timetable. [No service was provided on 3 August] (310824) | 3 Aug 24 |
E9 | Temporary Monday to Friday timetable reintroduced during railway works in Perivale, with daytime service reduced to every 13 minutes, early mornings to every 16 minutes and early evenings to every 21 minutes. (290724) | 5 Aug 24 |
P4 | Revised temporary Saturday and Sunday timetables introduced during cosmetic works in Lewisham with daytime service reduced to every 13 minutes. (030824) | 3 Aug 24 |
W9 | Operation transferred to Stagecoach London at Ash Grove garage with Solo 8.8m (from route W5) and E20D 9.8m/Enviro200 2D single deckers. New timetable to improve reliability with Monday to Saturday daytime service reduced to every 20 minutes. PVR changed to 6. [It is not certain if this timetable operated from the outset] (180824) | 3 Aug 24 |
N19 | Operation transferred to Stamford Hill garage. New timetable to improve punctuality. (010824) | 4 Aug 24 |
127 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with service restored to every 10 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 15 minutes evenings and Sundays. (060824) | 10 Aug 24 |
195 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and normal timetable reintroduced with daytime service restored to every 12 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 15 minutes Sundays. Also, revised to end journeys at Half Acre Brentford (believed to have occurred earlier). (080824) | 10 Aug 24 |
427 | Revised temporary (?) timetable introduced retaining the reduced frequencies, with PVR changed to 15. (050824) | 10 Aug 24 |
482 | Temporarily revised in Southall to start and finish journeys in Merrick Road instead of South Road running to/from The Green. First stop by The Green, last stop by Bridge Road (same as 427). Revised temporary timetable with daytime frequency restored to every 20 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 30 minutes Sundays. (060824) | 10 Aug 24 |
E5 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with daytime service restored to every 12 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 20 minutes Sundays. (060824) | 10 Aug 24 |
H32 | Temporarily revised in Southall to start and finish journeys in Merrick Road instead of South Road running to/from The Green. First stop by The Green, last stop by Bridge Road (same as 427). Revised temporary timetable with Monday to Saturday morning service restored to every 12 minutes and Sunday afternoons to every 15 minutes (similar to the previous temporary timetable). (060824) | 10 Aug 24 |
R70 | New 10.9m Kite Electroliner electric single deckers introduced. (240724) | August |
S1 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with service restored to every 15 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 20 minutes evenings and Sundays. (060824) | 10 Aug 24 |
64 | New Streetdeck Electroliner 10.5m electric double deckers introduced. (180824) | 17 Aug 24 |
105 | Temporary Monday to Friday timetable withdrawn and also the reliability measures introduced in September 2023, and previous timetable re-introduced with daytime service restored to every 12 minutes Mondays to Fridays, 15 minutes Sundays. (150824) | 17 Aug 24 |
170 | New timetable to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits along the route. PVR changed to 18. (140824) | 17 Aug 24 |
217 | Operation transferred to Edmonton garage. No change to the timetable. (310824) | 17 Aug 24 |
243 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 27 | 17 Aug 24 |
259 | Allocation transferred to Tottenham garage. New timetable to improve punctuality. (120824) | 17 Aug 24 |
279 | New timetable to improve punctuality. (120824) | 17 Aug 24 |
395 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced (other than Harrow set down) with daytime service restored to every 20 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 30 minutes Sundays. (120824) | 17 Aug 24 |
398 | New timetable to improve reliability. PVR changed to 4. (120824) | 17 Aug 24 |
H9 | New timetable to improve reliability with Monday to Friday daytime service reduced to every 10-11 minutes. (200824) | 17 Aug 24 |
H10 | New timetable to improve reliability with Monday to Friday daytime service reduced to every 10-11 minutes. (200824) | 17 Aug 24 |
W7 | Contract retained by Metroline with 11 new Streetdeck Electroliner electric double deckers. (7 years). New timetable to improve punctuality and with Monday to Friday peak hour service reduced to every 5 minutes, Monday to Saturday shopping hours increased to every 5 minutes, and weekend early mornings increased to every 12 minutes. Official withdrawal of weekend night service, and first buses on Sat/Sun revised to be at the same times as Mon-Fri. (120824) | 17 Aug 24 |
N279 | Operation transferred to Enfield garage. New timetable to improve punctuality. (120824) | 18 Aug 24 |
298 | New timetable with daily service standardised to every 30 minutes. PVR 4? (220824) | 19 Aug 24 |
5 | Contract (including route N15) retained by Blue Triangle with 30 existing hybrid New Bus for London double deckers. (5 years) Revised temporary timetable to improve punctuality and with Monday to Friday early morning frequency increased to every 8 minues, Monday to Friday mornings to every 6-7 minutes, and Monday to Friday afternoons and Saturdays to every 7-8 minutes (7/7/7/7/7/8). (220824) | 24 Aug 24 |
15 | Contract retained by Blue Triangle with 14 existing hybrid New Bus for London double deckers (15 Saturdays). (5 years) Temporary timetable introduced during works on East India Dock Road with daytime service reduced to every 13-14 minutes Mondays to Fridays and Sundays, 11-12 minutes Saturdays, also incorporating reliability measures following introduction of 20mph speed limits along the route. (220824) | 24 Aug 24 |
50 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 15 double deckers. (7 years) New timetable with early morning, evening and Sunday service increased to every 15 minutes. Earlier journeys added on Sundays (to match Mon-Sat). (200824) | 24 Aug 24 |
115 | Contract retained by Blue Triangle with 18 existing hybrid double deckers. (6 years) Revised temporary timetable to improve punctuality and with Monday to Friday early morning service increased to every 8 minutes. (220824) | 24 Aug 24 |
130 | Contract retained by Transport UK with 12 existing single deckers. (6 years) New timetable with some marginal frequency improvements. (200824) | 24 Aug 24 |
177 | New timetable to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits along the route. PVR changed to 19. (200824) | 24 Aug 24 |
194 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 14 double deckers. (7 years) No change to the timetable. (220824) | 24 Aug 24 |
250 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 22 double deckers, plus one bus from 689. (7 years) New timetable to improve punctuality. (200824) | 24 Aug 24 |
255 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 9 single deckers. (7 years) New timetable to improve punctuality, and with early morning, evening and Sunday service increased to every 15 minutes and adjustments to first and last bus times including extension of short trips to/from Balham and earlier journeys on Sundays. (220824) | 24 Aug 24 |
320 | Contract retained by London General - Metrobus with 13 double deckers. (7 years) New timetable to improve reliability. (220824) | 24 Aug 24 |
323 | Temporary timetable introduced during water works on Burdett Road, with frequency reduced to every 17 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 22 minutes early mornings, evenings and Sundays. (220824) | 24 Aug 24 |
410 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 18 existing single deckers. (6 years) No change to the timetable. (220824) | 24 Aug 24 |
433 | New Saturday timetable to improve reliability. (220824) | 24 Aug 24 |
R68 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and new timetable introduced with daytime service restored to every 15 minutes, and slightly earlier and later journeys. (200824) | 24 Aug 24 |
R70 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and new timetable introduced with daytime service restored to every 10 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 15 minutes Sundays, and slightly earlier and later journeys. (200824) | 24 Aug 24 |
N15 | New timetable to improve punctuality and incorporating minor changes to first and last bus times. (100924) | 25 Aug 24 |
N250 | New timetable to improve punctuality. (200824) | 25 Aug 24 |
18 | New timetable to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits along the route. PVR changed to 39. (280824) | 31 Aug 24 |
20 | Operation transferred to Leyton garage. New timetable. (280824) | 31 Aug 24 |
25 | Temporary timetable introduced during works in Bow, with frequency reduced to every 8-9 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes and every 11 minutes early mornings, evenings and Sundays. (290824) | 31 Aug 24 |
27 | Temporary timetable introduced during works on westway, with frequency reduced to every 11 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes and every 13 minutes early mornings, evenings and Sundays. (280824) | 31 Aug 24 |
43 | Temporary timetable introduced during southbound diversion away from Bank, with frequency reduced to every 9 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 11 minutes Sunday daytimes, 13 minutes evenings and 21 minutes early mornings. (240824) | 31 Aug 24 (0500) |
66 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 14 existing hybrid double deckers. (6 years) New timetable to reduced reliability, and with frequency increased to every 10 minutes Saturday shopping hours, every 15 minutes Sunday shopping hours, and every 20 minutes Saturday early mornings. Earlier journeys introduced on Sundays to match Mon-Sat. (270824) | 31 Aug 24 |
90 | Contract retained by Metroline with 17 | 31 Aug 24 |
94 | New timetable to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits and changes to road layouts along the route. Also, early morning service increased to every 8-9 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 12 minutes Sundays. PVR changed to 18 day, 4 night. (310824) | 31 Aug 24 |
100 | Temporary Monday to Friday timetable introduced during diversion away from London Wall, with daytime service reduced to every 13-14 minutes. (310824) | 2 Sep 24 |
148 | New timetable to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits and changes to road layouts along the route, with Monday to Saturday daytime service reduced to every 12 minutes. Also, night service reduced to every 30 minutes on weeknights and increased to every 20 minutes at weekends. (300824) | 31 Aug 24 (0500) |
153 | Temporary Monday to Friday timetable introduced during closure of London Wall, with daytime service reduced to every 13-14 minutes. (070924) | 2 Sep 24 |
166 | Summer weekend extras withdrawn for the season. (220824) | 31 Aug 24 |
205 | Temporary timetable reintroduced during works in Bow, with frequency reduced to every 11 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 13 minutes evenings, Monday to Friday early mornings and Sundays, and 16 minutes weekend early mornings. (280824) | 31 Aug 24 |
211 | Temporary timetable introduced during works on Westway, with frequency reduced to every 11 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes (except Mon-Fri AM peak) and 16 minutes evenings and Sundays. (070924) | 31 Aug 24 |
217 | New timetable to improve punctuality and with daytime service restored to every 12 minutes Mondays to Fridays, 15 minutes Saturdays. PVR changed to 11. (300824) | 31 Aug 24 |
218 | New timetable to improve punctuality, and with Sunday early morning service increased to every 15 minutes. (280824) | 31 Aug 24 |
267 | Temporary timetable introduced during works on Westway, with frequency reduced to every 12 minutes Monday to Friday daytimes (including withdrawal of school trips), 14 minutes Saturday daytimes and 16 minutes evenings and Sundays. (070924) | 31 Aug 24 |
276 | Temporary timetable introduced during works in Bow, with frequency reduced to every 14 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, every 17 minutes Sunday daytimes and every 22 minutes early mornings and evenings. (290824) | 31 Aug 24 |
277 | Temporary timetable introduced durings works on Burdett Road, with frequency reduced to every 11 minues Monday to Friday peak hours, and Friday and Saturday shopping hours, every 12 minutes Monday to Thursday shopping hours, every 13 minutes evenings, Sunday daytimes and Monday to Friday early mornings, and every 16 minutes weekend early mornings. (300824) | 31 Aug 24 |
289 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 15 double deckers. (7 years) New timetable with evening and Sunday daytime service increased to every 15 minutes and Sunday early morning service increased to every 20 minutes. (280824) | 31 Aug 24 |
299 | New timetable with Monday to Saturday daytime service increased to every 15 minutes. PVR changed to 8. (280824) | 31 Aug 24 |
306 | Temporary timetable introduced during works on Westway, with frequency reduced to every 13 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 16 minutes evenings and Sunday afternoons. (280824) | 31 Aug 24 |
309 | Re-routed in both directions direct via Abbott Road, not serving Aberfeldyh Estate. New timetable with PVR changed to 8. (280824) | 31 Aug 24 |
314 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 16 | 31 Aug 24 |
327 | Contract awarded to Metroline with 1 existing single decker. (3 years) No change to the timetable. (270824) | 31 Aug 24 |
350 | New timetable with last journey from Hayes revised to run 5 minutes earlier throughout (partially reversing change made on 25/5/24). (280824) | 31 Aug 24 |
375 | New Monday to Friday timetable with revisions to times of afternoon trips. (280824) | 2 Sep 24 |
425 | Temporary timetable introduced during works in Bow, with frequency reduced to every 11-12 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, every 13-14 minutes early evenings and Sunday daytims, every 16-17 minutes late evenings and every 21-22 minutes early mornings. (280824) | 31 Aug 24 |
481 | New Monday to Friday timetable to improve punctuality and incorporating an additional morning school day journey from Kingston to Hospital Bridge Road Ashley Drive at 0742. Metroline PVR changed to 7. (240824) | 2 Sep 24 |
605 | Contract awarded to Metroline with 1 existing double decker from Edgware garage. (1 year) No change to the timetable. (200824) | 31 Aug 24 |
606 | Contract awarded to Metroline with 2 existing double deckers from Edgware garage. (1 year) New timetable with morning journeys running 10 minutes earlier from Mill Hill and afternoon journeys running 10 minutes earlier throughout. (200824) | 31 Aug 24 |
616 | Operation transferred to Leyton garage. New timetable with afternoon trips retimed to 1513 and 1514 on Mondays to Thursdays and 1438 and 1513 on Fridays. (280824) | 2 Sep 24 |
617 | Contract awarded to Metroline with 2 existing double deckers from Potters Bar garage. (3 years) New timetable to improve punctuality. (200824) | 31 Aug 24 |
618 | New school route from Ivybridge Estate to Bolder Academy in Osterley, via Summerwood Drive, Twickenham Road, Worton Road, Bridge Road, London Road, Syon Lane and Macfarlane Lane. Contract awarded to Transport UK with 1 existing E40H 10.2m/Enviro400H 2D hybrid double decker from route 381 from Southall garage. (3 years) (280824) | 31 Aug 24 |
629 | Contract awarded to Metroline with 2 existing double deckers from Potters Bar garage. (3 years) No change to the timetable. (200824) | 31 Aug 24 |
640 | Contract awarded to Metroline with 2 existing hybrid double deckers from Harrow Weald garage. (3 years) No change to the timetable. (200824) | 31 Aug 24 |
663 | Contract awarded to Arriva London with 1 new electric double decker from Thornton Heath garage. (7 years) The timetable change made in September 2023 is reversed so the afternoon journey reverts to departing at 1508. (070924) | 31 Aug 24 |
667 | New timetable with an additional morning journey at 0740. (220824) | 2 Sep 24 |
672 | New timetable with revised afternoon departure times. (280824) | 2 Sep 24 |
690 | New timetable with afternoon journeys revised to depart at 1505 and 1610 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1605 and 1610 on Wednesdays and 1505 and 1510 on Fridays (as Mondays). (070924) | 2 Sep 24 |
C3 | Temporary timetable introduced during works on Westway, with frequency reduced to every 11 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes (except before 0800 Mon-Fri) and every 16 minutes evenings and Sunday daytimes. (280824) | 31 Aug 24 |
SL9 | New Monday to Friday and Saturday timetables to improve reliability. (240824) | 31 Aug 24 |
W8 | PVR changed to 15. No change to the timetable. (170724) | 31 Aug 24 |
310 | New route between Golders Green and Stamford Hill via route 210 to Finsbury Park then via Manor House. Contract awarded to Stagecoach London with 8 existing single deckers from Ash Grove garage (mix of E20D 10.5m/Enviro200 2D from route 314 and E200Dart 10.8m/Enviro200 2D from route W14 TBC). (1 year to be confirmed). Every 20 minutes daily with no early morning or evening service (approx 0800-1900 daily). ` (270824) | 1 Sep 24 |
N205 | Temporary timetable introduced during works in Bow. (280824) | 1 Sep 24 |
13 | Temporary timetable reintroduced during works on Westway, with service reduced to every 9-10 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 11 minutes early evenings and Sundays. (240824) | 2 Sep 24 |
23 | Temporary timetable reintroduced during works on Westway, with daily afternoon and early evening service reduced to every 12-13 minutes. (240824) | 2 Sep 24 |
49 | Temporary timetable introduced during works on Westway, with daytime service reduced to every 11 minutes Monday to Friday AM peak and shopping hours and Sundays, every 11-12 minutes Monday to Friday PM peak and Saturdays. (010924) | 2 Sep 24 |
70 | Temporary timetable introduced during works on Westway, with Monday to Saturday daytime service reduced to every 11 minutes. (010924) | 2 Sep 24 |
72 | Temporary timetable introduced during works on Westway, with Monday to Friday daytime service reduced to every 12 minutes and Saturday daytimes to every 11 minutes. (010924) | 2 Sep 24 |
220 | Revised temporary timetable introduced during works on Westway, with frequency reduced to every 8-9 minutes Monday to Friday peak hours, every 9-10 minutes Monday to Friday shopping hours, every 9 minutes Saturday shopping hours, every 11 minutes Sunday shopping hours and every 13 minutes early evenings daily. (310824) | 2 Sep 24 |
272 | Temporary Saturday and Sunday timetables introduced during works on Westway, with daytime service reduced to every 16 minutes and early mornings and evenings to every 31 minutes. (231024) | 7 Sep 24 |
283 | Temporary timetable introduced during works on Westway, with daytime service reduced to every 11 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 13 minutes Sundays. (010924) | 2 Sep 24 |
383 | New timetable to improve punctuality. (010924) | 2 Sep 24 |
414 | Temporary timetable reintroduced during works on Westway, with service reduced to every 8-9 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 12-13 minutes early evenings and Sundays. (240824) | 2 Sep 24 |
452 | Temporary timetable reintroduced during works on Westway, with daily afternoon and early evening service reduced to every 12-13 minutes. (240824) | 2 Sep 24 |
C1 | Temporary timetable introduced during works on Westway with frequency reduced to every 13 minutes. [Times are the same as the 11.12.21 Westway timetable] (241024) | 2 Sep 24 |
8 | Temporary timetable introduced during curtailment at Fish Island. (111224) | 7 Sep 24 |
N72 | Temporary timetable introduced on Saturday night/Sunday morning and Sunday night/Monday morning. (310824) | 8 Sep 24 |
49 | Contract retained by London United with 15 existing electric double deckers. (3 years) No change to the temporary timetable. (030924) | 7 Sep 24 |
105 | Temporary timetable from 16/10/23 reintroduced with daytime service reduced to every 13 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 13-14 minutes Saturdays and 16-17 minutes Sundays. (241024) | 7 Sep 24 |
117 | Contract retained by London United with 10 existing single deckers. (3 years) New timetable to improve punctuality. (020924) | 7 Sep 24 |
241 | New Saturday timetable with revised timings during the early evening. (111224) | 7 Sep 24 |
358 | New timetable to improve punctuality. (021024) | 7 Sep 24 |
365 | Minor timetable alterations. (111224) | 7 Sep 24 |
395 | Contract retained by London Sovereign with 5 existing single deckers. (3 years) New timetable to improve punctuality and incorporating an earlier journey from Westway Cross on Sundays and other adjustments to first and last times. (030924) | 7 Sep 24 |
398 | Contract retained by London Sovereign with 4 existing electric single deckers. (3 years) No change to the timetable. (220824) | 7 Sep 24 |
549 | Renumbered W14 (see separate entry for details). Existing contract terminated. (160124) | 7 Sep 24 |
672 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 4 existing double deckers. (3 years) No change to the timetable. (111224) | 7 Sep 24 |
697 | Contract awarded to Metroline with 3 existing double deckers from Uxbridge garage. (3 years) New timetable with morning journeys revised to run earlier and afternoon journeys revised to run later. (200824) | 7 Sep 24 |
D3 | Temporary timetable introduced during works on Burdett Road, with daytime service reduced to every 17 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 22 minutes Sundays. (021024) | 7 Sep 24 |
D6 | Temporary timetable introduced during works on Burdett Road, with frequency reduced to every 8-9 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 16 minutes early evenings, Monday to Friday early mornings and Sunday daytimes, and 21 minutes late evenings and weekend early mornings. (071024) | 7 Sep 24 |
D7 | Temporary timetable introduced during works on Burdett Road, with frequency reduced to every 13-14 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 16-17 minutes evenings and Sundays and 21-22 minutes early mornings. (021024) | 7 Sep 24 |
H10 | Contract (including route H9) retained by London Sovereign with 18 existing electric single deckers. (3 years) No change to the timetable. (111224) | 7 Sep 24 |
H13 | Contract retained by Metroline with 6 existing single deckers. (3 years) New timetable. (020924) | 7 Sep 24 |
H20 | Temporary Monday to Saturday timetables introduced with daytime service reduced to every 14 minutes. (021024) | 7 Sep 24 |
R68 | Temporary Monday to Saturday timetables introduced during works in Richmond, with daytime service reduced to every 16 minutes. (021024) | 7 Sep 24 |
R70 | Temporary Monday to Saturday timetables introduced during works in Richmond, with daytime service reduced to every 12 minutes. (021024) | 7 Sep 24 |
W12 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 14 new electric single deckers. (7 years) Existing section between Wanstead and Whipps Cross discontinued and revised to operate from Woodford Bridge via current route W14 to Leytonstone, current route W19 to Whipps Cross Hospital and then on to Coppermill Lane. Also re-routed away from Walthamstow Village area to operate via Shernhall Street, Prospect Hill, Church Hill and Hoe Street. New timetable with frequency increased to every 15 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, and every 20 minutes evenings, Sundays (except early mornings) and Monday to Friday early mornings. (030924) | 7 Sep 24 |
W13 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 8 new electric single deckers and 1 new electric double deck. (7 years) Allocation transferred to Lea Interchange garage. Extended from Leytonstone to Leyton Asda via current route W14. New timetable with frequency increased to every 15 minutes Saturday daytimes, and every 20 minutes evenings and Sundays. (030924) | 7 Sep 24 |
W14 | Existing route discontinued (See routes W12 and W13 for replacement service). New number for route 549, extended from South Woodford via current route W12 to Wanstead (Nightingale Lane), High Street (north), Hollybush Hill, Snaresbrook Road and Lea Bridge Road to Whipps Cross Bus Station. Buses double run via Woodbine Place towards Whipps Cross only. Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 2 new electric single deckers from Lea Interchange garage. (7 years) Revised to operate hourly | 7 Sep 24 |
39 | Temporary timetable introduced with daytime service reduced to every 9 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 13 minutes Sundays. (091024) | 14 Sep 24 |
174 | New timetable with revised timings in the late evening from Dagenham, including a later journey leaving about 0107. (141024) | 14 Sep 24 |
222 | Contract retained by Metroline with 17 existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) New timetable with early morning service increased to every 15 minutes on all days. (060924) | 14 Sep 24 |
284 | Revised temporary timetable with Monday to Saturday shopping hours service reduced to every 13 minutes, evenings to every 21 minutes and early mornings to every 31 minutes. (221024) | 14 Sep 24 |
85 | New timetable to improve reliability following changes to road layouts and introduction of 20mph speed limits along the route. PVR changed to 13. (291024) | 21 Sep 24 |
114 | New Monday to Friday and Saturday timetables to improve reliability, using a bus from route 697. (060924) | 21 Sep 24 |
160 | Contract (including 660) retained by Stagecoach London with 14 existing electric double deckers. (3 years) New timetable to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits along the route. (200924) | 21 Sep 24 |
210 | Contract retained by Metroline with 14 double deckers. (7 years) New timetable with early morning service increased to every 12 minutes daily, earlier journeys Sunday to match Mon-Sat and slightly earlier and later journeys on other days. (060924) | 21 Sep 24 |
295 | Temporary timetable introduced during works on Westway, with daytime service reduced to every 9-10 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 13 minutes Sundays. (291024) | 21 Sep 24 |
380 | Temporary timetable introduced during road works and diversion in Lewisham, with daytime service reduced to every 13 minutes Mondays to Satudays (plius additional MF peak trips), 16 minutes Sundays. (091024) | 21 Sep 24 |
606 | New timetable to improve punctuality in the morning and with first afternoon journey revised to depart at 1525. (180924) | 23 Sep 24 |
660 | New timetable to improve punctuality. (221024) | 23 Sep 24 |
W9 | Contract awarded to Metroline with 8 existing single deckers from Potters Bar garage. (3 years) New timetable to reduce reliability with Monday to Saturday daytime service restored to every 15 minutes. (200924) | 21 Sep 24 |
4 | Contract retained by Metroline with 17 | 28 September |
58 | New BZL 10.9m/MCV electric double deckers introduced. (121024) | September |
80 | New Monday to Friday and Saturday timetables to improve reliability, with Mon-Fri shopping hours frequency reduced to every 8-9 minutes and Mon-Fri peak and Saturday shopping hours to every 9 minutes. (111224) | 28 September |
131 | Contract retained by London General with 21 new DD 10.9m/Enviro400EV City 2D electric double deckers. (7 years) Revised temporary timetable to improve punctuality. (021024) | 28 September |
411 | Contract retained by London United with 5 existing single deckers. (6 years). Revised temporary timetable with evening service increased to half hourly, an earlier journey from Kingston and earlier journeys on Sundays to match Mon-Sat. (301124) | 28 September |
148 | Contract retained by London United with 16 existing hybrid New Bus for London double deckers. (3 years) Restored to normal eastbound routeing via Terminus Place in Victoria. No change to the timetable. (050325) | 5 October |
180 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 17 existing double deckers (mix of electric and hybrid). (3 years) New timetable incorporating an earlier journey from North Greenwich on Mondays to Saturdays and other minor changes. (301124) | 5 October |
201 | Contract retained by Transport UK with 11 existing single deckers. (3 years) New timetable with evening and weekend early morning service increased to every 20 minutes, and earlier journeys on Sundays to match Mon-Sat. (021024) | 5 October |
290 | Contract retained by London United with 7 existing electric single deckers. (3 years) New timetable to improve punctuality. (301124) | 5 October |
390 | Temporary timetable reintroduced with daytime service reduced to every 9-10 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 11 minutes Sundays. (210924) | 5 October |
612 | New electric double deckers introduced. (060924) | October |
661 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 1 existing double decker. (3 years) No change to the timetable. (301124) | 5 October |
669 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 2 existing double deckers. (3 years) No change to the timetable. (301124) | 5 October |
E8 | Temporary timetable reintroduced with service reduced to every 9 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 11 minutes evenings and Sunday dayimes, 16 minutes Monday to Satuday early mornings and 21 minutes Sunday early mornings. Note: The changes to first and last bus times introduced on 29/06/24 are therefore reversed. (210924) | 5 October |
H91 | New Monday to Friday school day timetable incorporating an additional afternoon journey from Osterley (Gillette Corner) to Hounslow West at 1515. No change to PVR. (210924) | 7 October |
70 | Temporary Sunday timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced. (161024) | 13 October |
72 | Temporary Sunday timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced. (161024) | 13 October |
95 | Revised temporary timetable introduced during road works on Western Avenue at Hanger Lane, with service reduced to every 15 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 23 minutes evenings and Sundays (except early mornings). (091024) | 12 October |
103 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 14 existing hybrid double deckers. (6 years) New timetable with evening and Sunday service increased to every 15 minutes and Sunday early morning service increased to every 20 minutes. Also, earlier journeys added on Sundays to match Mondays to Saturdays. (171024) | 12 October |
112 | Temporary timetable introduced during road works on Western Avenue at Hanger Lane, with daytime service reduced to every 11 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 13 minutes Sundays. (091024) | 12 October |
150 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 15 existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) New timetable to improve punctuality and incorporating an earlier journey each way on Sundays to match Mondays to Saturdays. (091024) | 12 October |
175 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 14 existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) New timetable to improve punctuality and with evening and Sunday (except early morning) service increased to every 15 minutes. (091024) | 12 October |
257 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 16 double deckers. (7 years) New timetable to improve punctuality. (071024) | 12 October |
272 | Temporary Saturday and Sunday timetables withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced, with service restored to every 15 minutes daytimes, 30 minutes early mornings and evenings. (231024) | 12 October |
283 | Temporary Saturday and Sunday timetables withdrawn and previous Saturday and Sunday timetables reintroduced with daytime service restored to every 10 minutes Saturdays, 12 minutes Sundays. (061124) | 12 October |
341 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 19 double deckers. (7 years) New timetable to improve punctuality and with early morning service increased to every 12 minutes on all days. (171024) | 12 October |
487 | Revised temporary timetable introduced during road works on Western Avenue at Hanger Lane, with service reduced to every 13-14 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 21-22 minutes evenings, early Monday to Saturday mornings and Sunday dayimes, and 31-32 minutes Sunday early mornings. (091024) | 12 October |
C1 | Revised temporary Saturday and Sunday timetables introduced. (061124) | 12 October |
7 | Temporary timetable introduced during road works on Westway, with service reduced to every 13 minutes (16 minutes weekend early mornings). (091024) | 19 October |
22 | Contract retained by London General with 18 | 19 October |
28 | Temporary timetable introduced during road works on Westway, with daytime service reduced to every 11 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 13 minutes Sundays. (091024) | 19 October |
N22 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and new timetable to improve punctuality following introduction of 20mph speed limits along the route. Last journey from Oxford Circus on Monday to Friday mornings will be 10 minutes earlier, consistent with weekends. (091024) | 19 October |
110 | Temporary timetable introduced during road works at Chertsey Road/London Road, with daytime service reduced to every 22 minutes. (241024) | 26 October |
313 | Re-routed towards Potters Bar in Chase Farm Hospital via Hunters Way (north) and Hospital Road, instead of Chace Village Road. (151024) | 26 October |
U1 | Contract retained by Metroline with 9 single deckers. (7 years). New timetable to improve punctuality. (181024) | 26 October |
U2 | Contract retained by Metroline with 9 single deckers. (7 years). Re-routed to serve Oak Farm at all times. New timetable to improve punctuality. (181024) | 26 October |
U3 | Contract retained by Metroline with 11 double deckers. (7 years) New timetable to improve punctuality. (191024) | 26 October |
U4 | Contract retained by Metroline with 12 double deckers. (7 years) New timetable to improve punctuality, and with Sunday daytime service increased to every 12 minutes and evenings and weekend early mornings to every 15 minutes. (191024) | 26 October |
W8 | Re-routed towards Chase Farm Hospital in Chase Farm Hospital via Hunters Way (north) and Hospital Road (westbound), instead of Chace Village Road and Hospital Road (eastbound). (151024) | 26 October |
W9 | Re-routed towards Chase Farm Hospital in Chase Farm Hospital via Hunters Way (north) and Hospital Road (westbound), instead of Chace Village Road and Hospital Road (eastbound). (151024) | 26 October |
370 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 13 existing hybrid double deckers. (6 years) New timetable with frequency increased to every 12 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 15 evenings and Sundays. (School day only short journeys withdrawn.) (011124) | 2 November |
627 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 3 existing hybrid double deckers. (6 years) No change to the timetable. (051223) | 2 November |
646 | New timetable with morning journeys revised to run 10 minutes earlier throughout, and afternoon journeys revised to depart at 1628/1636 on Wednesdays and 1528/1536 on other days. (101224) | 4 November |
663 | Afternoon journey revised to run 20 minutes later throughout. (271124) | 4 November |
689 | New Streetdeck Electroliner 10.5m electric double decker introduced. (301124) | November |
H22 | Temporary timetable introduced during road works at Chertsey Road/London Road, with daytime service reduced to every 13 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 21 minutes Sundays. (291024) | 2 November |
18 | Contract retained by London United with 39 double deckers (details TBC). No change to the timetable. (291024) | 9 November |
33 | Contract retained by London United with 18 existing single deckers. (7 years) New timetable to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits along the route, with frequency reduced to every 8-9 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes (with an additional MF afternoon journey towards Hammersmith) and increased to every 12 minutes evenings and Sundays (except early mornings). (081124) | 9 November |
34 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 18 existing double deckers. (7 years) No change to the timetable. (081124) | 9 November |
70 | Temporary Sunday timetable reintroduced. (061124) | 10 November |
72 | Temporary Sunday timetable reintroduced. (061124) | 10 November |
176 | Contract retained by London Central with 22 existing hybrid New Bus for London double deckers. (5 years) New timetable to improve reliability with Monday to Friday PM peak service reduced to every 10 minutes, and with evening and Sunday service increased to every 10 minutes. (081124) | 9 November |
188 | Contract retained by London Central with 22 existing double deckers. (7 years) New timetable to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits along the route. (081124) | 9 November |
192 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 15 existing single deckers. (3 years) New timetable with evening frequency increased to every 12 minutes. (081124) | 9 November |
272 | Temporary Saturday and Sunday timetables reintroduced with daytime service reduced to every 16 minutes and early mornings and evenings to every 31 minutes. (061124) | 9 November |
283 | Temporary Saturday and Sunday timetables reintroduced with daytime service reduced to every 11 minutes Saturdays, 13 minutes Sundays. (061124) | 9 November |
419 | Contract retained by London United with 12 existing single deckers. (3 years). New timetable to reduce reliability and with evening and Sunday service increased to every 15 minutes. (081124) | 9 November |
C1 | Previous temporary Saturday and Sunday timetables reintroduced. (061124) | 9 November |
SL1 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 11 existing double deckers. (7 years) No change to the timetable. (301124) | 9 November |
N33 | New timetable to reduce punctuality. PVR changed to 4. (061124) | 10 November |
N72 | Temporary Monday timetable reintroduced. (061124) | 11 November |
63 | Temporary timetable withdrawn, New Monday to Friday timetable introduced and previous Saturday/Sunday timetables reintroduced with PVR restored to 26. (161224) | 16 November |
71 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and new timetable introduced to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits along the route, with frequency restored to every 8 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 12 minutes evenings and Sundays (15-20 early mornings). (111124) | 16 November |
111 | Revised temporary timetable introduced during works in Southall Lane, with Monday to Friday peak hour service increased to every 9 minutes, Monday to Saturday shopping hours to every 10-11 minutes and Sunday shopping hours to every 12-13 minutes, and evening service restored to every 15 minutes. (111124) | 16 November |
216 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with daytime service restored to every 20 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 30 minutes Sundays. (061124) | 16 November |
217 | Contract awarded to London General with 12 existing double deckers. (1 year) New timetable to improve reliability. (191024) | 16 November |
246 | Seasonal summer Sunday extension to Chartwell ends. (121124) | 17 November |
257 | Operation temporarily transferred to Lea Interchange garage. No change to the timetable. (121124) | 16 November |
285 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and new timetable introduced with daytime service restored to every 12 minutes and evenings to every 15 minutes. (151124) | 16 November |
406 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and new timetable introduced with PVR restored to 7. (141124) | 16 November |
411 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and new timetable introduced with Monday to Friday frequency restored to every 15 minutes peak hours, 20 minutes shopping hours. (141124) | 16 November |
418 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and new timetable introduced. (141124) | 16 November |
465 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and new timetable to improve punctuality with Monday to Saturday daytime service restored to every 30 minutes and late evenings to every 60 minutes. Last journey from Dorking will run 10 minutes later. (141124) | 16 November |
481 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and new timetable introduced to improve punctuality. (061124) | 16 November |
482 | Restored to serve Southall Broadway and new timetable reintroduced to improve punctuality. (151124) | 16 November |
485 | Winter timetable commences. (221124) | 16 November? |
E6 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and service restored to serve Greenford station. (141124) | 16 November |
H32 | Restored to serve Southall Broadway and temporary timetable from January reintroduced. (151124) | 16 November |
H37 | Temporary timetable introduced during road works at London Road/Chertsey Road, with daytime service reduced to every 8-9 minutes Mondays to Saturdays (plus school trip), 11 minutes Sundays. (141124) | 16 November |
K1 | Temporay timetable withdrawn and normal timetable reintroduced. (061124) | 16 November |
SL2 | Additional bus stops introduced at Gallions Reach Royal Docks Road (south of Armada Way). No change to the timetable. [Note: the northbound stop is temporary closed due to gas works until 4 December.] (181124) | 16 November |
7 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with frequency restored to every 12 minutes. (081124) | 23 November |
133 | Temporary timetable introduced during diversion in Bank area, with Monday to Friday shopping hours and PM peak service reduced to every 8 minutes. (181124) | 23 November |
156 | Temporary timetable introduced with Monday to Saturday daytime service reduced to every 11 minutes. (211124) | 23 November |
320 | New Sunday timetable with daytime journeys towards Catford revised to run 1-2 minutes later. (111224) | 24 November |
344 | Temporary timetable introduced during works on Battersea Bridge, with frequency reduced to every 9-10 minutes daily daytimes and 11 minutes daily evenings. (181124) | 23 November |
345 | Temporary timetable introduced during works on Battersea Bridge, with frequency reduced to every 10 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes and 13 minutes evenings and Sundays. (191124) | 23 November |
358 | New Irizar ie-Tram 12m electric single deckers introduced. (211124) | November |
490 | Temporary timetable introduced during road works at London Road/Chertsey Road, with daytime service redcued to every 13 minutes Mondays to Saturdays (with additional peak trips), 21 minutes Sundays. (201124) | 23 November |
698 | New timetable with afternoon journeys revised to depart at 1518, 1524, 1527, 1530 and 1536. (221124) | 25 November |
13 | Temporary timetable re(?)-introduced for Winter Wonderland, with Monday to Saturday afternoon service reduced to every 10 minutes and early evenings and Sunday afternoons to every 11-12 minutes. [Timetable at link to be confirmed] (291124) | 30 November |
14 | Revised at Putney Heath to end journeys on Putney Hill (near Lytton Grove). (271124) | 30 November |
26 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with frequency restored to every 10 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 12 minutes early mornings, evenings and Sundays. (181124) | 30 November |
30 | Operation transferred to King's Cross garage. No change to the timetable. (121124) | 30 November |
37 | Revised at Putney Heath to end journeys on Putney Hill (near Lytton Grove). (271124) | 30 November |
70 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and normal timetable reintroduced with Monday to Saturday daytime service restored to every 10 minutes. (221124) | 30 November |
72 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and normal timetable reintroduced with Monday to Saturday daytime service restored to every 10 minutes. (221124) | 30 November |
95 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with daytime service increased to every 13 minutes Mondays to Fridays, 14 minutes Saturdays and 22 minutes Saturday evenings and Sundays, and Monday to Friday evening service restored to every 20 minutes. (061124) | 30 November |
238 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and new timetable introduced with daytime service restored to every 10 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 15 minutes Sundays. (271124) | 30 November |
272 | Temporary Saturday and Sunday timetables withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced, with service restored to every 15 minutes daytimes, 30 minutes early mornings and evenings. (221124) | 30 November |
274 | Operation (except 1 bus) transferred to King's Cross garage. No change to the timetable. (081124) | 30 November |
283 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and normal timetable reintroduced with daytime service restored to every 10 minutes Monday to Saturdays, 12 minutes Sundays.. (221124) | 30 November |
298 | Contract awarded to Uno with 6 existing double deckers. (3 years) New timetable with Monday to Saturday daytime service restored to every 20 minutes. PVR changed to 6. (221124) | 30 November |
375 | The change to afternoon times made on 2 September is reversed, and the previous timetable reintroduced. (111224) | 2 December |
427 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and normal timetable reintroduced with daytime service restored to every 8 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 10 minutes Sundays and PVR restored to 17. Friday school days changed to be the same as Monday to Thursday school days. (101224) | 30 November |
474 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with frequency restored to every 12 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 15 minutes early evenings and Sundays. (181124) | 30 November |
481 | The 1516 school day journey from Hospital Bridge Road to Kingston is back projected to start in Turing House School grounds at 1514. (261124) | 2 December |
618 | Revised timetable with morning journey running 10 minutes earlier, afternoon journey departing at 1600 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays and 1510 on Wednesdays. (271124) | 2 December |
B14 | New timetable with revisions to times of school day only trips (no other change). Morning journey runs 5 minutes earlier, and afternoon journey runs 5 minutes later, except on Fridays when afternoon journey departs 90 minutes earlier. (281124) | 2 December |
C1 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and normal timetable reintroduced with service restored to every 12 minutes. (221124) | 30 November |
N19 | Minor timetable alterations affecting the last two southbound trips on Sunday night/Monday morning and Friday night/Saturday morning. (111224) | 2 December |
N72 | Temporary Saturday night/Sunday morning and Sunday night/Monday morning timetables withdrawn and normal timetable reintroduced. (221124) | 1 December |
N140 | New timetable to improve punctuality. (221124) | 1 December |
6 | Contract retained by Metroline with 18 existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) No change to the temporary timetable. (051224) | 7 December |
88 | Contract retained by London General with 22 double deckers. (7 years) Temporary timetable withdrawn and new timetable introduced with daytime service restored to every 10 minutes Mondays to Saturdays (with an additional Mon-Fri AM peak trip towards Parliament Hill Fields), 12 minutes Sundays; and early morning service on Saturdays and Sundays increased to every 12 minutes. (061224) | 7 December |
94 | Contract retained by London United with 18 existing electric double deckers. (7 years) No change to the timetable. (051224) | 7 December |
98 | Contract retained by Metroline with 22 existing hybrid double deckers. (7 years) Temporary timetable withdrawn and new timetable introduced to improve punctuality and incorporating later journeys; with daytime service restored to every 7-8 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 10 minutes Sundays; and evening service daily increased to every 10 minutes. (031224) | 7 December |
170 | Contract retained by London General with 18 existing single deckers. (6 years) No change to the timetable. (090524) | 7 December |
218 | Contract retained by London Transit (transfer within RATP group) with 9 single deckers. (7 years) No change to the timetable and operation continues from London United at Stamford Brook. (051224) | 7 December |
261 | Temporary timetable reintroduced with frequency reduced to every 13 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 16 minutes Sunday daytimes, 21 minutes evenings Monday to Saturday early mornings, 31 minutes late evenings and Sunday early mornings. (101224) | 7 December |
266 | Contract awarded to Metroline at Cricklewood garage with 23 double deckers. (7 years) Temporary timetable withdrawn and new timetable introduced to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits along the route, with daytime service restored to every 8 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 10 minutes Sundays, but the additional Monday to Friday peak hour journeys withdrawn. (061224) | 7 December |
273 | Temporary timetable reintroduced with frequency reduced to every 21 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, evenings, Sundays and weekend early mornings. (101224) | 7 December |
278 | Contract retained by Transport UK with 12 existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) No change to the timetable. (061224) | 7 December |
281 | Temporary timetable introdcued during road works at London Road/Chertsey Road, with daytime service reduced to every 11 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 13 minutes Sundays. (051224) | 7 December |
336 | Fixed bus stops introduced on hail & ride sections in the Downham and Bellingham areas. (181124) | 7 December |
355 | Contract retained by London General (transfer within Go Ahead London) with 13 single deckers. Operation continues by London Central. (7 years) Revised temporary timetable to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits and changes to road layouts along the route. (061224) | 7 December |
360 | Contract retained by London Central with 11 single deckers. (7 years) New timetable to improve punctuality. (051224) | 7 December |
652 | Afternoon journey revised to depart at 1549 on Mondays. (051224) | 9 December |
655 | Contract awarded to Transport UK with 1 existing hybrid double decker from Beddington garage. (3 years) No change to the timetable. (051224) | 7 December |
681 | Temporary timetable introduced during road works at London Road/Chertsey Road. (051224) | 9 December |
C11 | Operation transferred to Holloway garage. New timetable. (051224) | 7 December |
E7 | Temporary timetable introduced during works in Northolt, with service reduced to every 14 minutes Monday to Saturday dayitmes, 22 minutes early evenings and Sunday daytimes. (061224) | 7 December |
N98 | New timetable to improve punctuality. First two journesy from Willesden to Holborn discontinued (see route 98). (031224) | 8 December |
N266 | Operation transferred to Metroline at Cricklewood garage with new electric double deckers. New timetable to improve punctuality following introduction of 20mph speed limits along the route. (031224) | 7 December |
202 | Temporary timetable reintroduced with Monday to Saturday daytime service reduced to every 11 minutes. (111224) | 14 December |
N113 | New Streetdeck Electroliner electric double deckers introduced. (131224) | December |
111 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and new timetable introduced to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits and changes to road layouts along the route, with frequency reduced to every 8-9 minutes Mon-Fri PM peak, 10 Mon-Sat shopping hours and 12 minutes Sunday shopping hours. (211224) | 21 December |
C10 | New timetable to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits and changes to road layouts along the route. PVR changed to 23. (191224) | 21 December |
E9 | Temporary Monday to Friday withdrawn, and previous timetable reintroduced with daytime service restored to every 12 minutes and evenings to every 20 minutes. (211224) | 23 December |
6 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and new timetable introduced to improve punctuality, with daytime service restored to every 7-8 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 10 minutes Sundays. (251224) | 28 December |
52 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with daytime service restored to every 10 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 12 minutes Sundays. (111224) | 28 December |
320 | New BYD B11E02 electric double deckers introduced. (270125) | December |
23 | Revised temporary Saturday and Sunday timetables introduced during works on Westway, with daytime service reduced to every 13-14 minutes but evening service restored to every 12 minutes. (050125) | 4 January |
24 | Temporary (?) timetable introduced with frequency reduced to every 11 minutes Monday to Friday shopping hours and PM peak and Saturday afternoons, and every 13 minutes Sunday shopping hours. (020125) | 4 January |
27 | Revised temporary timetable with service restored to every 10 minutes Monday to Friday daytimes and every 12 minutes Monday to Thursday evenings and Sunday daytimes. (020125) | 4 January |
70 | Temporary Saturday and Sunday timetables reintroduced during works on Westway, with Saturday daytime service reduced to every 11 minutes. (301224) | 4 January |
72 | Temporary Saturday and Sunday timetables reintroduced during works on Westway, with Saturday daytime service reduced to every 11 minutes. (301224) | 4 January |
76 | Temporary timetable introduced with daytime service reduced to every 11 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 13 minutes Sundays. (050125) | 4 January? |
94 | Temporary Saturday and Sunday timetables introduced during works on Westway, with daytime service reduced to every 9 minutes Saturdays, 10-11 minutes Sundays. (301224) | 4 January |
101 | New BYD B11E02 electric double deckers introduced. (270125) | January |
108 | Operation of main service transferred to New Cross garage. Converted to D9UR 12m/Enviro200 MMC EV 2D single deckers (from route 507/521). (250125) | 4 January |
112 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with daytime service restored to every 10 minutes Mondays to Saturdays (plus additional AM peak trip towards North Finchley), 12 minutes Sundays. (301224) | 4 January |
136 | Temporary timetable introduced during works at Grove Park bus station, with frequency reduced to every 11 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 16 minutes early mornings, evenings and Sundays. (060125) | 4 January |
148 | Temporary Saturday and Sunday timetables introduced during works on Westway, with daytime service reduced to every 12-13 minutes and withdrawn between Shepherd's Bush Green (West Side/Uxbridge Road) and White City. (301224) | 4 January |
156 | Revised timetable introduced with daytime frequency further reduced to every 11-12 minutes Mondays to Fridays, 12 minutes Saturdays, 13 minutes Sundays. (060125) | 4 January |
207 | Temporary Friday, Saturday and Sunday timetables introduced during works on Westway, with evening service redcued to every 9 minutes and Saturday shopping hours to every 7 minutes. (020125) | 4 January |
218 | Temporary Saturday and Sunday timetables introduced during works on Westway, with Saturday daytime service reduced to every 13 minutes. (301224) | 4 January |
220 | Temporary Monday to Friday timetable withdrawn and normal Monday to Friday reintroduced with frequency restored to every 6-7 minutes peak hours, 8 minutes shopping hours, 12 minutes early evenings. (050125) | 6 January |
226 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with daytime service restored to every 12 minutes Mondays to Saturdays (plus additional peak trips), 20 minutes Sundays. (301224) | 4 January |
235 | Minor timetable alterations on Mondays to Fridays affecting the 0659 and 1734 journeys from Lower Sunbury. (270125) | 6 January |
257 | Operation transferred back to Leyton garage. No change to the timetable. (161224) | 4 January |
270 | New timetable to improve reliability and incorporating an earlier journey from Tooting (except on MF school holidays) and a later journey from Putney Bridge. PVR changed to 15. (020125) | 4 January |
272 | Temporary Saturday and Sunday timetables reintroduced during works on Westway, with daytime service reduced to every 16 minutes and early morning and evening service to every 31 minutes. (301224) | 4 January |
283 | Temporary Saturday and Sunday timetables reintroduced during works on Westway, with daytime service reduced to every 11 minutes Saturdays, 13 minutes Sundays. (301224) | 4 January |
285 | Temporary timetable introduced during works in Feltham with frequency reduced to every 13 minutes daytimes, 16 minutes evenings and 21 minutes early mornings. (050125) | 4 January |
344 | Revised temporary Saturday timetable with frequency further reduced to every 10-11 minutes mornings, 10 minutes afternoons. (050125) | 4 January |
350 | Change on 31/08/24 reversed and last journey from Hayes revised to run 5 minutes later throughout. (050125) | 4 January |
440 | Temporary Saturday and Sunday timetables introduced during works on Westway, with Saturday daytime service reduced to every 16 minutes. (010125) | 4 January |
490 | Revised temporary timetable during works in Feltham with frequency redcued to every 14 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes (10 towards Richmond AM peak, 12 towards Heathrow PM peak), 22 evenings and Sundays. (050125) | 4 January |
624 | Operation transferred to Morden Wharf garage. (121024) | 4 January |
625 | Operation transferred to Morden Wharf garage. (121024) | 4 January |
658 | Operation transferred to Morden Wharf garage. (121024) | 4 January |
675 | New timetable to improve punctuality, with morning journey revised to depart at 0730. (070125) | 6 January |
699 | Additional morning and afternoon journey introduced between Winchmore Hill and Dame Alice Owen's School. Also revised timings morning and afternoon. PVR changed to 4. (070125) | 6 January? |
C1 | Temporary Saturday and Sunday timetables reintroduced during works on Westway, with daytime and evening service reduced to every 13 minutes. (010125) | 4 January |
H25 | Temporary timetable introduced during works in Feltham, with frequency reduced to every 14 minutes Monday to Friday peak hours, 17 minutes Monday to Saturday shopping hours and 22 minutes evenings and Sundays. (020125) | 4 January |
H26 | Temporary timetable introduced during works in Feltham, with frequency reduced to every 22 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, and 32 minutes early mornings, evenings and Sundays. (020125) | 4 January |
W3 | New timetable to improve reliability with PVR changed to 22. (050125) | 4 January |
N72 | Temporary timetable reintroduced on Saturday night/Sunday morning and Sunday night/Monday morning. (020125) | 5 January |
N207 | Temporary timetable introduced on Friday night/Saturday morning, Saturday night/Sunday morning and Sunday night/Monday morning during works on Westway. PVR changed to 21. (050125) | 5 January |
13 | Temporary Monday to Friday timetable withdrawn and normal timetable reintroduced with frequency restored to every 8-9 minutes daytimes, 10 minues evenings. Previous temporary Saturday and Sunday timetables reintroduced with service restored to every 9-10 minutes Saturday afternoons, 11 minutes evenings and Sunday afternoons. (100125) | 11 January |
14 | Temporary timetable introduced during works in Putney, with daytime service reduced to every 11 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 13 minutes Sundays. (130125) | 11 January |
36 | New timetable to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits along the route. PVR changed to 29. (070125) | 11 January |
51 | Operation transferred to Morden Wharf garage. New timetable to improve reliability with PVR changed to 20. (100125) | 11 January |
74 | Temporary timetable introduced during works in Putney, with daytime service reduced to every 11-12 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 13-14 minutes Sundays. (130125) | 11 January |
100 | Temporary Monday to Friday timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with daytime service restored to every 12 minutes. (130125) | 13 January |
141 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 28 double deckers. (7 years) New timetable to improve punctuality. (130125) | 11 January |
153 | Temporary Monday to Friday timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with daytime service restored to every 12 minutes. (270125) | 13 January |
244 | Operation transferred to Morden Wharf garage. (121024) | 11 January |
277 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with service restored to every 10 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 12 minutes evenings and Sundays. (130125) | 11 January |
323 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 4 existing electric single deckers. (7 years) | 11 January |
329 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 14 existing hybrid double deckers. (5 years) New timetable to improve punctuality and with Monday to Saturday daytime service reduced to every 8 minutes and daily early morning service increased to every 8-9 minutes. Later journeys added in both directions and earlier journeys towards Enfield on Saturdays and Sundays. (150125) | 11 January |
414 | Temporary Monday to Friday timetable withdrawn and normal timetable reintroduced with frequency restored to every 8 minutes daytimes, 12 minutes evenings. No change to temporary Saturday and Sunday timetables. (100125) | 11 January |
430 | Temporary timetable introduced during works in Putney, with daytime service reduced to every 13-14 minutes. (130125) | 11 January |
D6 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with service restored to every 7 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 15 minutes early evenings and Sundays, 20 minutes late evenings. (130125) | 11 January |
D7 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with service restored to every 12 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 15 minutes evenings and Sundays. (130125) | 11 January |
473 | Operation transferred to Blue Triangle at Henley Road garage. (060225) | 14 January |
7 | Temporary Saturday and Sunday timetables reintroduced during works on Westway, with service reduced to every 13 minutes. (301224) | 18 January |
16 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with daytime service restored to every 10 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 12 minutes evenings and Sundays. (301224) | 18 January |
18 | Temporary timetable introduced during road works in Wembley, with frequency reduced to every 5-6 minutes Monday to Friday mornings (with additional AM peak journeys towards Euston), every 6 minutes Monday to Friday afternoon shopping hours and Saturday shopping hours, every 6-7 minutes Mon-Fri PM peak and every 7-8 minutes Sundays. (110125) | 18 January |
19 | Temporary timetable introduced during works on Battersea Bridge, with daytime service reduced to every 11 minutes (plus additional MF AM peak trips towards Battersea). (160125) | 18 January |
27 | Revised temporary Monday to Friday timetable introduced with service reduced to every 11 minutes daytimes and 13 minutes Monday to Thursday evenings. (270125) | 20 January |
32 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with daytime service restored to every 8 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes (plus AM peak journey towards Kilburn), 12 minutes evenings and Sundays. (301224) | 18 January |
44 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced (TBC), with frequency restored to every 10 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 15 minutes early evenings and Sunday daytimes. (150125) | 18 January |
57 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced (TBC), with frequency restored to every 12 minutes daytimes and early evenings. (150125) | 18 January |
77 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced (TBC), with frequency restored to every 10 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes (plus additional MF AM peak trip towards Waterloo), 12 minutes Sunday daytimes. (150125) | 18 January |
99 | Contract awarded to London Central with 14 Trident/Enviro400 double deckers from Bexleyheath garage. (7 years) New timetable to improve punctuality. (250424) | 18 January |
101 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced (TBC), with frequency restored to every 12 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 15 minutes Sunday daytimes. (150125) | 18 January |
119 | 18 January | |
131 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and new timetable introduced to improve punctuality, with frequency restored to every 8 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes (plus school trips), 12 minutes early evenings and Sunday daytimes. (160125) | 18 January |
147 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced (TBC), with frequency restored to every 8 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes (plus additional MF AM peak trip towards Canning Town), 10 minutes Sunday daytimes. (150125) | 18 January |
195 | Temporary (?) timetable introduced with frequency reduced to every 13-14 minutes Monday to Friday afternoons and Saturday shopping hours and every 16 minutes Sunday shopping hours. (150125) | 18 January |
197 | Revised at Croydon to start journeys outside Fairfield Halls and double run via Park Lane to The Croydon Flyover, then continuing current line of route. No change to the timetable. (150125) | 18 January |
198 | Allocation transferred to Norwood garage. Minor timetable alterations on Mondays to Fridays and Saturdays. (200125) | 18 January |
219 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced (TBC), with frequency restored to every 12 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 15 minutes Sunday daytimes. (150125) | 18 January |
269 | Contract awarded to London Central with 13 Trident/Enviro400 double deckers from Bexleyheath garage. (7 years) (180125) | 18 January |
273 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 9 existing single deckers. (3 years) New temporary timetable to improve punctuality, and with Sunday daytime service reduced to every 32 minutes and daily evening service restored to every 30 minutes. (160125) | 18 January |
280 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and new timetable introduced to improve punctuality, with frequency restored to every 10 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes (plus school trips), 12 minutes Sundays, 15 minutes early evenings. (160125) | 18 January |
300 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced (TBC), with frequency restored to every 15 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 20 minutes Sunday daytimes. (150125) | 18 January |
304 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced (TBC), with frequency restored to every 12 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 15 minutes Sunday daytimes. (150125) | 18 January |
312 | Re-routed towards Norwood Junction via The Croydon Flyover and Park Lane, instead of part of Fell Road, St Geoerge's Walk and Park Street. (160125) | 18 January |
319 | Temporary timetable introduced during works on Battersea Bridge, with daytime service reduced to every 10 minutes Mondays to Saturdays (except MF early afternoons), 13 minutes Sundays. (160125) | 18 January |
325 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced (TBC), with frequency restored to every 12 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 20 minutes Sunday daytimes. (160125) | 18 January |
328 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with daytime service restored to every 10 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 12 minutes evenings and Sundays. (050125) | 18 January |
347 | Discontinued. (051224) | 18 January |
370 | Minor timetable alteration affecting the 0829 departure from Lakeside on Saturdays. (200125) | 18 January |
376 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced (TBC), with frequency restored to every 12 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 30 minutes Sunday daytimes. (160125) | 18 January |
401 | Contract awarded to London Central with 8 Trident/Enviro400 double deckers from Bexleyheath garage. (7 years) New timetable with first buses revised to be around 10 minutes earlier on Mon-Sat and last buses 10 mins later from Thamesmead and 5 mins later from Bexleyheath daily. (180125) | 18 January |
422 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 17 existing double deckers. (3 years) New timetable to improve reliability. (180125) | 18 January |
433 | Revised in Croydon to start from Park Lane departing direct, instead of St George's Walk and Park Street. No other change to the timetable. (160125) | 18 January |
440 | Revised temporary timetable introduced during temporary withdrawal between Wembley and Stonebridge Park. (160125) | 18 January |
487 | New Volvo BZL 10.2m/MCV single deckers introduced. (211224) | 18 January |
493 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced (TBC), with frequency restored to every 12 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 20 minutes Sunday daytimes. (150125) | 18 January |
632 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with the morning journey from Kilburn Park Station departing at 0739. (301224) | 20 January |
681 | New timetable with morning journeys revised to run approximately 20 minutes earlier and Friday afternoon departure times revised to match Mon-Thur. (180125) | 20 January |
B16 | Contract retained by London Central with 10 single deckers. (7 years) New timetable to improve reliability. (180125) | 18 January |
D3 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced (TBC), with frequency restored to every 15 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 20 minutes Sunday daytimes. (160125) | 18 January |
G1 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced (TBC), with frequency restored to every 16 minutes Monday to Friday peak hours, 15 minutes Monday to Saturday shopping hours, 20 minutes Sunday daytimes. (150125) | 18 January |
K2 | Temporary timetable reintroduced during works in Tolworth, with frequency reduced to every 11 minutes Monday to Friday AM peak and Monday to Saturday shopping hours, every 11-12 minutes Monday to Friday PM peak and every 15-16 minutes Sunday shopping hours. (160125) | 18 January |
SL3 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 15 double deckers. (7 years) | 18 January |
N109 | Revised in Croydon to start from Park Lane departing direct, instead of St George's Walk and Park Street. No other change to the timetable. [Note: this means the route no longer has a common first stop with route 109.] (270125) | 18 January |
N18 | New timetable with weekend frequency increased to every 15 minutes between Harrow Weald and Sudbury and every 5-10 minutes between Sudbury and Trafalgar Square. (160125) | 19 January |
285 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with daytime service restored to every 12 minutes and evenings to every 15 minutes. (150125) | 25 January |
316 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with daytime service restored to every 8 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 12 minutes evenings and Sundays. (301224) | 25 January |
341 | Temporary timetable introduced during works in Aldwych (?) with daytime service reduced to every 13 minutes daily. (200125) | 25 January |
390 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with daytime service restored to every 8-9 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 10 minutes Sundays. (301224) | 25 January |
473 | New BYD B11E02 electric double deckers introduced. (270125) | January |
490 | Further revised temporary timetable introduced following completion of works in Feltham, with frequency increased to every 13 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes (with extra peak trips), 21 minutes evenings and Sundays. (220125) | 25 January |
E2 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with daytime service restored to every 8 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 10 minutes Sundays. (271224) | 25 January |
H25 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with frequency restored to every 12 minutes Monday to Friday peak hours, 15 minutes Monday to Saturday shopping hours, 20 minutes evenings and Sundays. (220125) | 25 January |
H26 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced (TBC) with frequency restored to every 20 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 30 minutes evenings and Sundays. (220125) | 25 January |
24 | Revised temporary timetable to improve punctuality. (270125) | 1 February |
41 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 19 double deckers. (7 years) New timetable with Sunday early morning service increased to every 12-15 minutes and Sunday shopping hours to every 8 minutes. (290125) | 1 February |
43 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with daytime service restored to every 8 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 10 minutes Sunday daytimes and 12 minutes evenings. (050125) | 1 February |
45 | Existing route withdrawn except between Brixton and Camberwell. New number for route 118, Morden to Brixton then on to Camberwell via current 45. See route 59 for replacement service to Clapham Park. Contract retained by Transport UK with 17 existing hybrid double deckers from Walworth garage. (5 years) New timetable with buses running every 12 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 15 minutes early mornings, evenings and Sundays. First and last bus times are similar to route 118 except for an earlier journey from Morden daily. (310125) | 1 February |
59 | Withdrawn between Streatham Hill and Brixton Hill and re-routed to Clapham Park via current route 45. New timetable to improve punctuality and incorporating an earlier journey on Saturdays towards Clapham Park. (290125) | 1 February |
79 | Temporary timetable introduced during road works in Wembley, with daytime service reduced to every 13-14 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 16-17 minutes Sundays. (290125) | 1 February |
118 | Route renumbered 45 (see separate entry). (250125) | 1 February |
121 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 22 existing double deckers. (3 years) New timetable to improve reliability and with Sunday daytime service increased to every 10 minutes. (290125) | 1 February |
125 | Contract retained by London Sovereign with 18 existing electric double deckers. (3 years) New timetable to improve reliability. (310125) | 1 February |
149 | New timetable to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits along the route. PVR changed to 30 (Day) and 10 (night). (050225) | 1 February |
153 | Contract awarded to Metroline with 9 new 10.9m GB Kite electric single deckers from Holloway garage. (7 years) New timetable with daily daytime service reduced to every 15 minutes. (310125) | 1 February |
220 | New Monday to Friday timetable introduced to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits along the route, with PM peak service reduced to every 7 minutes. (310125) | 3 February |
223 | Temporary timetable introduced during road works in Wembley, with service reduced to every 22 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 32 minutes evenings, early Saturday mornings and Sundays. (290125) | 1 February |
258 | Contract awarded to Metroline with 12 existing double deckers from Harrow Weald garage. (3 years) New timetable to improve reliability and with last bus from South Harrow 10 minutes later, and early morning and Sunday daytime service increased to every 20 minutes. (100225) | 1 February |
299 | Contract (including 389/399) awarded to London General with 8 single deckers. (7 years). No change to the timetable. (310125) | 1 February |
343 | Contract retained by London Central with 23 existing hybrid double deckers. (5 years) New timetable to improve punctuality. (290125) | 1 February |
363 | New Monday to Friday timetable to improve reliability. (060225) | 3 February |
381 | Temporary (?) timetable introduced with daily afternoon service reduced to every 13 minutes. (290125) | 1 February |
389 | Operation now on route 299 contract. No change to the timetable. (270125) | 1 February |
399 | Operation now on route 299 contract. No change to the timetable. (270125) | 1 February |
481 | Temporary timetable introduced during works at London Road/Chertsey Road, with frequency reduced to every 32 minutes Mondays to Saturdays (plus school trips), 62 minutes Sundays. (290125) | 1 February |
483 | Revised temporary timetable during road works in Wembley. (290125) | 1 February |
640 | Operation transferred to Greenford garage. No change to the timetable. (200125) | 3 February |
H17 | Temporary timetable introduced during road works in Wembley, with service reduced to every 13 minutes Monday to Friday peak hours, every 16 minutes Monday to Saturday shopping hours, 21 minutes evenings and Sundays, 31 minutes Saturday and Sunday early mornings. (300125) | 1 February |
R68 | Revised temporary timetable to improve punctuality. (060225) | 1 February |
W4 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 14 existing single deckers. (5 years) New timetable to improve punctuality and with early morning service increased to every 15 minutes daily, and earlier journeys on Sundays to match Mondays to Saturdays. (290125) | 1 February |
W6 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 9 existing single deckers. (3 years) New timetable to improve reliability and with early morning and evening service increased to every 15 minutes daily, later journeys daily, and earlier journeys on Sundays to match Mondays to Saturdays. Afternoon school trip discontinued. (290125) | 1 February |
N41 | New timetable to improve punctuality. (290125) | 1 February |
N343 | New timetable to improve punctuality. (290125) | 1 February |
N98 | Willesden allocation transferred to Harrow Weald garage. No change to the timetable. (200125) | 2 February |
3 | Temporary timetable introduced during southbound diversion away from Lambeth Bridge, with frequency reduced to every 11 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 13 minutes early mornings, evenings and Sundays. (100225) | 8 February |
36 | Contract retained by London Central with 29 existing hybrid double deckers. (5 years) No change to the timetable. (070125) | 8 February |
83 | Temporary timetable introduced during road works in Wembley, with PVR changed to 22. (050225) | 8 February |
187 | New Volvo BZL 10.2m/MCV single deckers introduced. (150125) | February |
316 | New Volvo BZL 10.2m/MCV single deckers introduced. (070225) | February |
5 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and new timetable introduced with daytime frequency restored to every 6-7 minute Mondays to Saturdays, 8 minutes Sundays. (120225) | 15 February |
15 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and new timetable introduced with daytime frequency restored to every 12 minute Mondays to Fridays and Sundays, 10 minutes Saturdays. (120225) | 15 February |
115 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and new timetable introduced with daytime frequency restored to every 8 minute Mondays to Saturdays, 10 minutes Sundays. (120225) | 15 February |
653 | New timetable with morning journeys revised to run 5 minutes earlier throughout. (160225) | 17 February |
683 | New timetable with morning journeys revised to run 5 minutes earlier throughout. (160225) | 17 February |
688 | New timetable with morning journeys revised to run 5 minutes earlier throughout. (160225) | 17 February |
E6 | Temporary timetable introduced with daytime service reduced to every 13-14 minutes Monday to Friday mornings, 13 minutes Saturday mornings, 14 minutes afternoons, 17 Sundays. (120225) | 15 February |
H32 | Revised temporary timetable introduced with frequency reduced to every 13 minutes Monday to Saturday mornings, 16 minutes Sunday shopping hours. (170225) | 15 February |
N5 | New timetable to reduce punctuality. (120225) | 16 February |
8 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with service restored to serve Bow. (160225) | 22 February |
14 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and new timetable introduced to improve reliability and with frequency increased to every 8 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes (7 towards Russell Square Mon-Fri AM peak), and restored to every 12 minutes Sunday daytimes. Waterloo garage allocation introduced with a PVR of 7 (not change to Putney); night PVR changed to 10. (230225) | 22 February |
25 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with service restored to every 7-8 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 10 minutes evenings, Monday to Saturday early mornings and Sundays, 13 minutes Sunday early mornings. (160225) | 22 February |
27 | Revised temporary Monday to Friday timetable towards Hammersmith. (230225) | 24 February |
31 | Temporary Monday to Friday timetable withdrawn and previous Monday to Friday timetable reintroduced with service restored to every 10 minutes. (050225) | 24 February |
187 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with service restored to every 15 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 20 minutes evenings and Sundays. (050225) | 22 February |
205 | Temporary timetable withdrawn, previous Monday to Friday and Sunday timetables reintroduced, and new Saturday timetable to improve reliability. Frequency restored to every 10 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 12 minutes evenings, Monday to Friday early mornings and Sundays, 15 Saturday and Sunday early mornings. (160225) | 22 February |
233 | Contract retained by London General - Metrobus with 7 new electric single deckers. (7 years) New timetable to improve punctuality. (190225) | 22 February |
260 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and new timetable introduced to improve punctuality, with service restored to every 12 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 15 minutes evenings and Sundays and 20 minutes early mornings. (160225) | 22 February |
275 | Revised temporary timetable to improve punctuality. (190225) | 22 February |
276 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced, with frequency restored to every 12 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 15 minutes Sunday daytimes and 20 minutes early mornings and evenings. (190225) | 22 February |
278 | New Monday to Friday school day timetable with afternoon trip revised to start from Oak Farm Library at 1516, instead of Ruislip, and other timetable alterations. (230225) | 24 February |
414 | Discontinued. (160225) | 22 February |
425 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced, with frequency restored to every 10 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 12 minutes early evenings and Sunday daytimes and 15 late evenings. (280225) | 22 February |
487 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with service restored to every 12 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 15 minutes early evenings, 20 minutes late evenings and Sunday daytimes. PVR changed to 12. (280225) | 22 February |
499 | Further additional school day trips added at 0740 Gallows Corner to Heath Park and 1435 Heath Park to Gallows Corner. PVR changed to 9. (200225) | 24 February |
687 | Afternoon journey revised to depart 5 minutes later. (230225) | 24 February |
H28 | Contract retained by Transport UK with 11 existing single deckers. (3 years) No change to the timetable. (280225) | 22 February |
R70 | Revised temporary timetable to improve punctuality. (200225) | 22 February |
N205 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced. (230225) | 23 February |
55 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 29 existing hybrid New Bus for London double deckers. (4 years) Revised at Oxford Circus to start from Oxford Street/Great Titchfield Street, no longer serving Holles Street. New timetable to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits along the route, with Monday to Saturday daytime service reduced to every 8 minutes. (270225) | 1 March |
56 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 18 existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) New timetable to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits along the route, with frequency reduced to every 10 minutes at all times except early mornings. (011124) | 1 March |
207 | Revised temporary timetable in conjunction with switch of weekend Westway closures from eastbound to westbound. (260225) | 1 March |
235 | New timetable to improve reliability with frequency reduced to every 8-9 minutes Saturday shopping hours, 12-13 minutes Sunday shopping hours. (260225) | 1 March |
246 | Summer service commences (230225) | 2 March |
335 | Contract retained by Arriva London with 7 existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) No change to the timetable. (020924) | 1 March |
397 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 6 existing single deckers (plus one bus from route W16 AM peak). New timetable to improve reliability. (3 years) (161224) | 1 March |
423 | Contract retained by London United with 7 existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) New timetable. (260225) | 1 March |
488 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 9 existing single deckers. (3 years) New timetable to improve punctuality. (260225) | 1 March |
H22 | Contract retained by London United with 12 existing single deckers. (3 years) Revised temporary Saturday timetable to improve reliability. (260225) | 1 March |
H37 | Contract retained by London United with 13 existing single deckers. (3 years) Night service discontinued (suspended since Covid anyway). Revised temporary timetables on Monday to Friday school holidays, with daytime service increased to every 8 minutes and early mornings to every 15 minutes. Temporary Saturday and Sunday timetables withdrawn and new timetables to improve reliability, with daytime service restored to every 7-8 minutes Saturdays and 10 minutes Sundays, early morning service increased to every 15 minutes both days and earlier journeys on Sundays to match Mon-Sat. (260225) | 1 March |
H98 | Contract retained by London United with 15 existing hybrid New Bus for London double deckers (5 years). New timetable to improve reliability with frequency increased to every 12 minutes evenings and Sundays, 15 minutes daily early mornings, and earlier jounreys added on Sundays to match Mon-Sat. PVR 16 on Fridays only. (260225) | 1 March |
N55 | Revised at Oxford Circus to start from Oxford Street/Great Titchfield Street, no longer serving Holles Street. New timetable to improve punctuality following introduction of 20mph speed limits along the route. (280225) | 1 March |
110 | Revised temporary timetable to improve punctuality. (060325) | 8 March |
111 | Temporary timetable introduced during works in Lampton, with frequency reduced to every 9 minutes Monday to Friday peak hours, 10-11 minutes Monday to Saturday shopping hours and 12-13 minutes Sunday shopping hours. (060325) | 8 March |
282 | Contract retained by Metroline with 17 existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) New timetable to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits and changes to road layouts along the route. (060325) | 8 March |
308 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 14 existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) New timetable to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits and changes to road layouts along the route. (261124) | 8 March |
415 | Contract retained by Transport UK with 9 existing hybrid New Bus for London double deckers. (3 years) New timetable incorporating a later journey from Old Kent Road. (080325) | 8 March |
444 | Contract retained by London General with 12 new (?) electric single deckers. (7 years) New timetable with earlier journeys on Sundays to match Mondays to Saturdays. (060325) | 8 March |
657 | Contract awarded to Stagecoach London with 1 existing hybrid double decker from Leyton garage. (3 years) (060325) | 8 March |
W16 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 10 existing single deckers. (3 years) New timetable to improve reliability following introduction of 20mph speed limits and changes to road layouts along the route. (060325) | 8 March |
138 | Contract awarded to Stagecoach London with 3 existing single deckers from Catford garage. (5 years) New timetable to improve reliability, with Monday to Saturday daytime service reduced to every 30 minutes. (120325) | 15 March |
155 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with service restored to every 8-9 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 12 minutes early evenings and Sunday daytimes. (130325) | 15 March |
161 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 16 existing hybrid double deckers. (5 years non-incentivised) New timetable with Saturday and Sunday early morning service increased to every 20 minutes. (130325) | 15 March |
172 | Contract retained by London Central with 14 double deckers. (7 years) New timetable to improve punctuality. (120325) | 15 March |
181 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 13 existing single deckers. (3 years) No change to the temporary timetable. (120325) | 15 March |
225 | Contract awarded to Stagecoach London with 6 existing single deckers from Catford garage. (3 years) Temporary timetable withdrawn and new timetable introduced to improve punctuality and with Saturday and Sunday daytime service restored to every 20 minutes. (120325) | 15 March |
273 | Re-routed in both directions via the northern part of Exford Road, instead of Senlac Road, Jevington Way and part of Winn Road. Fixed bus stops introduced in the Horn Park area. No change to the timetable. (230325) | 15 March |
284 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 13 existing single deckers. (3 years) No change to the temporary timetable. (120325) | 15 March |
355 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and new timetable introduced to improve punctuality, with daytime service restored to every 12 minutes Mondays to Saturdays, 15 minutes Sundays. (120325) | 15 March |
677 | Contract retained by London General (transfer within Go Ahead group) with 1 existing hybrid double decker from Northumberland Park garage. (3 years) New timetable to improve punctuality and with afternoon journey departing 5 minutes earlier. (230325) | 15 March |
7 | Temporary Monday to Friday timetable reintroduced during works at Savoy Circus, with daytime service reduced to every 13 minutes. (120325) | 22 March |
40 | Temporary timetable withdrawn and previous timetable reintroduced with frequency restored to every 8-9 minutes Monday to Friday peak hours, 10 minutes Monday to Saturday shopping hours and 15 minutes Sunday shopping hours. (190325) | 22 March |
95 | Revised temporary Monday to Friday timetable introduced during works at Savoy Circus, with daytime service reduced to every 14 minutes and evenings to every 21 minutes. (190325) | 24 March |
105 | New timetable to improve reliability at night following introduction of 20mph speed limits along the route. Night PVR changed to 4. No change to the temporary day timetable. (190325) | 22 March |
154 | Temporary Monday to Friday and Saturday timetable introduced, with frequency reduced to every 11 minutes daytimes, 16 minutes early evenings. (230325) | 22 March |
169 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 14 double deckers. (7 years) Extended on arrival in Barking farther along London Road to Abbey Green. New timetable to improve punctuality and with Sunday early morning service increased to every 20 minutes. (190325) | 22 March |
228 | New Volvo BZL 10.8m/MCV electric single deckers introduced. (140225) | March |
247 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 12 double deckers. (7 years) New timetable to improve reliability. (190325) | 22 March |
260 | Temporary timetable reintroduced during works at Savoy Circus, with frequency reduced to every 13 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes, 16 minutes evenings and Sunday daytimes, 21 minutes early mornings. (120325) | 22 March |
274 | Temporary timetable introduced with frequency reduced to every 11 minutes Saturday and Sunday daytimes, every 13 minutes evenings and Monday to Friday daytimes, and every 21 minutes early mornings. (190325) | 22 March |
287 | Contract retained by Stagecoach London with 8 single deckers. (7 years) New timetable to improve reliability, with Monday to Friday afternoon service increased to every 15 minutes. (190325) | 22 March |
344 | Revised temporary Monday to Friday timetable with daytime frequency increased to every 9 minutes (230325) | 24 March |
482 | Contract retained by Transport UK with 8 existing hybrid double deckers. (3 years) New timetable with early morning and Sunday daytime service increased to every 20 minutes. (190325) | 22 March |
679 | Afternoon 1556 journey retimed to 1538. (220325) | 24 March |
C10 | Contract retained by Transport UK with 23 existing electric single deckers. (7 years) Temporary Monday to Friday timetable introduced during works at Lambeth Bridge with daytime service reduced to every 8-9 minutes. (240325)Ά | 22 March |
U5 | Contract retained by Transport UK with 11 existing electric double deckers. (3 years) No change to the timetable (230325) | 22 March |
Diversions will be listed here until 4 weeks after they finish. All future dates are estimates, and may be amended without notice. Past dates are not guaranteed to be accurate. Current diversions, and all future dates, are highlighted in red.
This list should not be taken as definitive, but is intended to give the scope of major diversions. Not all diversions are notified, and diversions of less than 72 hours' duration are not normally included unless of very long physical length. Always check the TfL website for possible disruptions to time-critical journeys.
Official TfL information is available here: Bus Changes.
Where diversions are listed as being in both directions, buses in the opposite direction traverse the streets in reverse order to that listed, with any variations as noted. If buses traverse the streets in the same order both ways (e.g. on loop workings) then both termini will be listed separately.
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