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Route record (places served and roads followed) |
Route 639 does not run during school or public holidays or on Saturdays or Sundays. The timetable is subject to alteration without notice in accordance with school requirements.
639 Monday, Tuesday and Thursday school days towards Battersea Other direction Wed/Fri sch days
Roehampton, Danebury Avenue 0711 Roehampton, Medfield Street 0716 Putney Heath, Green Man 0721 Victoria Drive, Augustus Road 0729 Southfields Station, Post Office 0735 Wandsworth, Municipal Buildings 0748 Clapham Junction, Falcon 0758 St John Bosco College, Parkham Street 0808
639 Monday, Tuesday and Thursday school days towards Roehampton Other direction Wed/Fri sch days
St John Bosco College, Parkham Street 1540 Battersea, Latchmere 1548 Clapham Junction, St John's Hill 1556 Wandsworth, High Street 1605 Southfields Station, Post Office 1613 Victoria Drive, Augustus Road 1618 Putney Heath, Green Man 1627 Roehampton, Medfield Street 1631 Roehampton, Danebury Avenue 1635
639 Wednesday and Friday school days towards Battersea Other direction Mon/Tue/Thu sch days
Roehampton, Danebury Avenue 0711
Roehampton, Medfield Street 0716
Putney Heath, Green Man 0721
Victoria Drive, Augustus Road 0729
Southfields Station, Post Office 0735
Wandsworth, Municipal Buildings 0748
Clapham Junction, Falcon 0758
St John Bosco College, Parkham Street 0808
639 Wednesday and Friday school days towards Roehampton Other direction Mon/Tue/Thu sch days
St John Bosco College, Parkham Street 1450
Battersea, Latchmere 1458
Clapham Junction, St John's Hill 1506
Wandsworth, High Street 1515
Southfields Station, Post Office 1523
Victoria Drive, Augustus Road 1528
Putney Heath, Green Man 1537
Roehampton, Medfield Street 1541
Roehampton, Danebury Avenue 1545
Operated by Transport UK for London Buses.
Timetable revised 10/06/24
Roehampton – Putney Heath – Southfields – Wandsworth – Clapham Junction – Battersea
Roehampton Danebury Avenue, Minstead Gardens - Danebury Avenue - Roehampton Lane - Medfield Street -
Treville Street - Roehampton High Street - Putney Heath - Putney Hill - Tibbet's Ride - Tibbet's Corner - Wimbledon Park Side -
Withycombe Road - Princes Way - Augustus Road - Victoria Drive - Wimbledon Park Road - Southfields Station -
Wimbledon Park Road - Granville Road - Merton Road - Buckhold Road - Wandsworth - Wandsworth Plain - Armoury Way -
Fairfield Street - East Hill - St John's Hill - Clapham Junction Station - Falcon Road - Battersea Park Road -
Battersea Bridge Road - Surrey Lane - Parkham Street - Battersea St John Bosco College
Battersea – Clapham Junction – Wandsworth – Southfields – Putney Heath – Roehampton
Battersea St John Bosco College - Parkham Street - Granfield Street - Westbridge Road - Parkgate Road -
Elcho Street - Howie Street - Battersea Bridge Road - Prince of Wales Drive - Albert Bridge Road - Battersea Park Road -
Falcon Road - Clapham Junction Station - St John's Hill - Marcilly Road - North Side Wandsworth Common - Huguenot Place -
East Hill - Wandsworth High Street - Buckhold Road - Merton Road - Granville Road - Wimbledon Park Road -
Southfields Station - Wimbledon Park Road - Victoria Drive - Augustus Road - Princes Way - Withycombe Road -
Wimbledon Park Side - Tibbet's Corner - Tibbet's Ride - Putney Hill - Putney Heath - Medfield Street - Roehampton Lane -
Danebury Avenue - Roehampton Danebury Avenue, Minstead Gardens
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