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Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday school days | Wednesday school days |
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Route record (places served and roads followed) |
Route 646 does not run during school or public holidays or on Saturdays or Sundays. The timetable is subject to alteration without notice in accordance with school requirements.
646 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday school days towards Cranham Other direction Wed sch days
Noak Hill, Tees Drive/Wincanton Road 0713 0718 Straight Road, Noak Hill Road 0717 0722 Harold Hill, Hilldene Avenue 0721 0726 Harold Wood Station 0729 0734 Ardleigh Green, Spencers Arms 0737 0742 Hornchurch, Town Centre 0745 0750 Upminster Station, Station Road 0800 0806 Cranham, Front Lane/Moor Lane 0806 0813
646 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday school days towards Noak Hill Other direction Wed sch days
Cranham, Front Lane/Moor Lane 1528 1536 Upminster Station, Station Road 1541 1547 Hornchurch, Town Centre 1551 1557 Ardleigh Green, Spencers Arms 1601 1607 Harold Wood Station 1609 1615 Harold Hill, Hilldene Avenue 1617 1623 Straight Road, Noak Hill Road 1621 1627 Noak Hill, Tees Drive/Wincanton Road 1627 1633
646 Wednesday school days towards Cranham Other direction Mon/Tue/Thu/Fri sch days
Noak Hill, Tees Drive/Wincanton Road 0713 0718
Straight Road, Noak Hill Road 0717 0722
Harold Hill, Hilldene Avenue 0721 0726
Harold Wood Station 0729 0734
Ardleigh Green, Spencers Arms 0737 0742
Hornchurch, Town Centre 0745 0750
Upminster Station, Station Road 0800 0806
Cranham, Front Lane/Moor Lane 0806 0813
646 Wednesday school days towards Noak Hill Other direction Mon/Tue/Thu/Fri sch days
Cranham, Front Lane/Moor Lane 1628 1636
Upminster Station, Station Road 1641 1647
Hornchurch, Town Centre 1651 1657
Ardleigh Green, Spencers Arms 1701 1707
Harold Wood Station 1709 1715
Harold Hill, Hilldene Avenue 1717 1723
Straight Road, Noak Hill Road 1721 1727
Noak Hill, Tees Drive/Wincanton Road 1727 1733
Operated by Blue Triangle for London Buses.
Timetable revised 04/11/24
Noak Hill – Harold Hill – Harold Wood – Ardleigh Green – Hornchurch – Upminster – Cranham
Noak Hill Tees Drive/Wincanton Road - Tees Drive - Noak Hill Road - Straight Road - Hilldene Avenue -
Harold Hill - Gooshays Drive - Gubbins Lane - Harold Wood Station Forecourt - Gubbins Lane -
Squirrels Heath Road - Ardleigh Green Road - Ardleigh Green - Ardleigh Green Road - Butts Green Road -
Emerson Park Station - North Street - Hornchurch High Street - Upminster Road - Upminster Bridge Station -
Upminster Road - St Mary's Lane - double run via Station Road and Station Approach to Upminster Station -
St Mary's Lane - Front Lane - Cranham Front Lane/Moor Lane
Cranham – Upminster – Hornchurch – Ardleigh Green – Harold Wood – Harold Hill – Noak Hill
Cranham Front Lane/Moor Lane - Front Lane - St Mary's Lane -
double run via Station Road and Station Approach to Upminster Station - St Mary's Lane - Upminster Road -
Upminster Bridge Station - Upminster Road - Hornchurch High Street - North Street - link road - Billet Road - Emerson Park Station -
Butts Green Road - Ardleigh Green Road - Ardleigh Green - Ardleigh Green Road - Squirrels Heath Road - Gubbins Lane -
Harold Wood Station - Gubbins Lane - Gooshays Drive - Harold Hill - Hilldene Avenue - Straight Road -
Noak Hill Road - North Hill Drive - Whitchurch Road - Tees Drive - Noak Hill Tees Drive/Wincanton Road
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