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Route 655

Mitcham – Colliers Wood – South Wimbledon – Wimbledon Chase – Raynes Park High School

School day service

Timetable: School days only

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Route record (places served and roads followed)

Route 655 does not run during school or public holidays or on Saturdays or Sundays. The timetable is subject to alteration without notice in accordance with school requirements.

655 School days towards Raynes Park High School          Other direction  

Mitcham Western Road          0737
Merton Abbey, Sainsbury's     0751
South Wimbledon Station       0756
Wimbledon Chase Station       0810
Raynes Park High School       0820

655 School days towards Mitcham          Other direction  

Raynes Park High School       1515
Wimbledon Chase Station       1524
South Wimbledon Station       1540
Merton Abbey, Sainsbury's     1544
Mitcham Western Road          1558

Operated by Transport UK for London Buses.

Change of operator 09/12/24. Timetable as 23/05/22.

Route record

Mitcham – Colliers Wood – South Wimbledon – Wimbledon Chase – Raynes Park High School
Mitcham Western Road/Love Lane - Western Road - Christchurch Road - Colliers Wood Station - High Street Colliers Wood - Merton High Street - South Wimbledon Station - Kingston Road - Merton Park Tramlink - Kingston Road - Wimbledon Chase Station - Kingston Road - Bushey Road - Raynes Park High School

Raynes Park High School – Wimbledon Chase – South Wimbledon – Colliers Wood – Mitcham
Raynes Park High School - Beverley Way - Shannon Corner - Beverley Way - Bushey Road - Kingston Road - Wimbledon Chase Station - Kingston Road - Merton Park Tramlink - Kingston Road - South Wimbledon Station - Merton High Street - High Street Colliers Wood - Colliers Wood Station - Christchurch Road - Western Road - Mitcham Western Road/Love Lane

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