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Route 667

Ilford – Gants Hill – Barkingside – Chigwell – West Hatch School

School day service

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday school days Tuesday school days

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Route record (places served and roads followed)

Route 667 does not run during school or public holidays or on Saturdays or Sundays. The timetable is subject to alteration without notice in accordance with school requirements.

667 Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday school days towards West Hatch School          Other direction       Tue sch days  

Ilford High Road, Hainault Street       0738 0740 0743
Ilford Station                          0743 0745 0748
Gants Hill Station, Cranbrook Road (S)  0751 0753 0756
Barkingside, Fullwell Cross             0802 0804 0807
Chigwell, West Hatch School             0815 0817 0820

667 Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday school days towards Ilford          Other direction       Tue sch days  

Chigwell, West Hatch School             1520 1530 1535
Chigwell Station                        1523 1533 1538
Barkingside, Fullwell Cross             1535 1545 1550
Gants Hill Station, Cranbrook Road (S)  1550 1600 1605
Ilford Station                          1559 1609 1614
Ilford High Road, Hainault Street       1604 1614 1619

667 Tuesday school days towards West Hatch School          Other direction       Mon/Wed/Thu/Fri sch days  

Ilford High Road, Hainault Street       0738 0740 0743
Ilford Station                          0743 0745 0748
Gants Hill Station, Cranbrook Road (S)  0751 0753 0756
Barkingside, Fullwell Cross             0802 0804 0807
Chigwell, West Hatch School             0815 0817 0820

667 Tuesday school days towards Ilford          Other direction       Mon/Wed/Thu/Fri sch days  

Chigwell, West Hatch School             1445 1455 1500
Chigwell Station                        1448 1458 1503
Barkingside, Fullwell Cross             1500 1510 1515
Gants Hill Station, Cranbrook Road (S)  1515 1525 1530
Ilford Station                          1524 1534 1539
Ilford High Road, Hainault Street       1529 1539 1544

Operated by Stagecoach London for London Buses.

Timetable revised 02/09/24

Route record

Ilford – Gants Hill – Barkingside – Chigwell – West Hatch School
Ilford High Road Hainault Street - Clements Road - High Road - Ilford Station - Cranbrook Road - Gants Hill Station - Cranbrook Road - Barkingside High Street - Fullwell Cross - Fencepiece Road - Grange Hill - Hainault Road - Station Road - Chigwell Station - High Road - Chigwell West Hatch School

West Hatch School – Chigwell – Barkingside – Gants Hill – Ilford
Chigwell West Hatch School High Road - Chigwell Station - Station Road - Hainault Road - Grange Hill - Fencepiece Road - Fullwell Cross - Barkingside High Street - Cranbrook Road - Gants Hill Station - Cranbrook Road - Ilford Station - Winston Way - Handforth Road - Clements Road - Ilford High Road Hainault Street

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