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Tuesdays | ||
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Route record (places served and roads followed) |
Gallows Corner, Tesco 1030 1145 1245 Ashbourne Road 1035 1150 1250 Farnham Road, Hilldene Avenue Shops 1040 1155 1255 Central Park Pool, Health Centre 1045 1200 1300 Sheffield Drive, King’s Wood School 1100 1205 1305 X St Neot’s Road 1105 1210 1310 X Gallows Corner. Tesco 1115 1215 --
X - Set down only.
Operated by Havering Council.
Timetable revised 24/02/06
Gallows Corner - Chatteris Avenue - Barnstaple Road - Harold Hill - St Neot's Road - Gallows Corner
Gallows Corner Tesco - Whitelands Way - Colchester Road - Tangent Link - Ashton Road - Faringdon Avenue -
Chatteris Avenue (on request to driver only - Dunstable Road - Dartfields - Chippenham Road) - Hilldene Avenue - Edenhall Road -
Barnstaple Road - Taunton Road - Ashbourne Road - Aylsham Lane - Leigh Drive - Taunton Road - North Hill Drive - Hilldene Avenue -
Farnham Road - Chippenham Road - Dartfields - Trowbridge Road - Gooshays Drive - Harold Hill - North Hill Drive -
Dorking Road - Whitchurch Road - Tees Drive - Priory Road - Whitchurch Road - Tring Gardens - Whitchurch Road - Dagnam Park Drive - Settle Road -
Sheffield Drive - Dagnam Park Drive - Stratton Road - Tarnworth Road - Petersfield Avenue - Retford Road - St Neot’s Road -
Gooshays Drive - Colchester Road - Whitelands Way - Gallows Corner Tesco
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